Portsmouth News

Drug-driver who collided head-on with car faces jail


A 37-year-old has been jailed for four years after causing a head on collision, while driving high on cocaine, which left the other driver with serious injuries.

At about 7.40am on

June 10 last year Charlie Bedworth, 37, failed to see a vehicle ahead of him indicating to turn right off the Selsey Road B2145 near Hunston.

He attempted to evade a collision but in doing so drove into the path of an oncoming vehicle.

At the roadside Bedworth provided a positive Drugwipe test for cocaine. The victim, a 53-year-old local man from Selsey, was airlifted to hospital with serious injuries.

He continues to require ongoing treatment and rehabilita­tion for his injuries nearly a year after the crash.

At Portsmouth

Crown Court, Bedworth, unemployed of Justin Close, Brentford, admitted causing serious injury by dangerous driving and drug-driving.

He was sentenced to four years in prison and was disqualifi­ed from driving for five years.

His later blood test showed he had 296ug of the chemical breakdown of cocaine, called benzoylecg­onine, per litre of blood in his body.

The legal limit for this chemical breakdown product is 50ug per litre of blood in the body.

At interview he initially claimed he had not taken any drugs and speculated he may have had a drink spiked while dining at a restaurant.

Investigat­ing officer PC Tom Van Der Wee from the Roads Policing Unit said: “Bedworth’s driving was appalling and dangerous.

“Due to a distractio­n, he failed to see a vehicle slowing down, braking and indicating ahead of him, and reacted far too late.

“He swerved to avoid a collision with the vehicle ahead of him, but instead caused a devastatin­g collision to the driver of the oncoming Kia.

“The case shows why we are determined to catch drug drivers before they cause similar harm to other innocent road users.

“Bedworth is incredibly lucky not to have caused the death or further serious harm to himself and others that day.”

Bedworth’s driving was appalling and dangerous

 ?? ?? Charlie Bedworth has been sentenced to prison Picture: Sussex Police
Charlie Bedworth has been sentenced to prison Picture: Sussex Police
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