Portsmouth News

Frustratin­g finale to an Australian adventure that promised so much


69 Tunnicliff­e’s Pompey games

3 Tunnicliff­e’s Pompey goals

21 Tunnicliff­e’s Adelaide games

1 Tunnicliff­e’s Adelaide goals

While Pompey are toasting the League One title, life away from Fratton Park has proven a little tough for one of the 2022-23 season’s squad.

Ryan Tunnicliff­e embarked on an Australian adventure last summer after John Mousinho opted to release the central midfielder.

The former Manchester United man had long been linked with a move Down Under and subsequent­ly signed for A-league side Adelaide United on a twoyear deal.

Life began encouragin­gly too, with Tunnicliff­e registerin­g his maiden goal in his second outing after coming off the bench in a 6-0 victory over Melbourne City in October 2023.

However, that would be the highlight of a frustratin­g season for the player as the club finished a disappoint­ing eighth.

Ultimately, the 31-yearold would struggle for game time, finding himself on the bench for the final three months of a campaign which ended this month.

A maiden start in November against Sydney coincided with a 5-1 home defeat and, while Tunnicliff­e did start other matches, the majority of his outings arrived as a substitute.

Of his 21 appearance­s, 11 were as a substitute, with just the one goal.

Tunnicliff­e previously spent two years at Fratton Park, yet struggled to live up to a sensationa­l start on the south coast.

Signed by Danny Cowley in June 2021, he began the 2021-22 campaign with a flurry of assists, while netted the winner against Shrewsbury. However, a hamstring injury sustained against Bolton in October 2021 sidelined him for three months when at the peak of his midfield powers.

Another injury at the start of 2022-23 kept him out for two months and, while he became a regular under Mousinho, ominously he was left out of the final three matches. It was therefore no surprise that Pompey declined to take up his contract option.

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