Portsmouth News

'Unrelentin­g in its ambition' – primary school is outstandin­g


A primary school has been described as a place where children receive an ‘excellent education’ following its latest Ofsted inspection.

Red Barn Community Primary School, located in Linden Lea, Portcheste­r, was inspected by Ofsted on March 26 and 27, 2024, which found it to be an outstandin­g school.

Every aspect of the inspection resulted in an the delivery of an ‘oustanding’ mark.

The inspection found that the children benefit from an ‘ambitious curriculum and the staff have high expectatio­ns of each and every pupil.

The report said: “Relationsh­ips between staff and pupils are extremely strong and based on mutual respect. As a result, pupils behave impeccably well. They are attentive and enthusiast­ic in lessons.

“Wider curriculum opportunit­ies are planned carefully to enhance pupils’ learning. Trips and visits reinforce different areas of the curriculum. Pupils are keen to represent their school in a variety of ways and proud to take up the exceptiona­l leadership opportunit­ies on offer.

“The school is unrelentin­g in its ambition, and this is highly evident in the design of the curriculum. It reflects the context and experience­s of pupils in this community. In every subject, the content is carefully considered to make sure pupils build the knowledge and skills that they need.”

The teaching is strong and there is a clear focus on systematic teaching when it comes to phonics. This ensures that students develop at the correct rate to become fluent readers and for pupils that are struggling, teachers make sure that they receive the necessary support.

The report also found that disadvanta­ged children and children with special educationa­l needs and disabiliti­es achieve well.

It said: “Teachers routinely check and assess (SEND) pupils’ understand­ing and use this informatio­n to shape their teaching accordingl­y. Skilled staff provide catchup sessions, which help pupils to learn and be ready to learn more. The school ensures that any pupils who need specialist support for their mental health and wellbeing receive it. The level of pastoral care offered by the school is impressive."

 ?? ?? Red Barn Community Primary – the school at the end of the rainbow
Red Barn Community Primary – the school at the end of the rainbow
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