Portsmouth News

The horse and pony ride-out in Portsmouth


Trish Holman

Just seen young lads driving a horse fast down Queen Street. All over the road then did a U-turn at the lights to pull in front of a blue lighted ambulance and hold them up. The ambulance overtook them and those lads were trying to make the horse go faster. Awful to see and need to learn to respect their horse.

Lina Li Lc

Well that explains the amount of horse poo I've walked past this evening. It's disgusting. Dog owners clean up after theirs, do horse owners do the same or do different rules apply?

Sandy Busek

I can’t understand why the police don’t shut it down. Clearly causing chaos, a menace to the public, treat their horses with no respect or care. If they

were respectful, did this at organised events, had vets on standby, no one would object, why don’t they?

Anne Lloyd

lights / one lad could barely control his. But the horses themselves looked very well cared for. Just needed some traffic police to assist

Faye Ansell

It was ridiculous on Copnor Road at lunchtime. They held up 2 ambulances on blue lights trying to get through.

Ian Tungatt

Debbie Starkings Well to be fair, I was walking past the horses when they were tied to posts by the pier and the owners were throwing buckets of cold water over most of them to cool them down and they were giving them water and hay bails. It was a wonderful sight as far as I was concerned and didn’t see one horse underfed or badly treated

Tina Jacobs A sight to behold and so good for Portsmouth to be so welcoming to those those celebratin­g their culture and heritage

Keli Feilder

Watched them go past my window earlier, was lovely to see, every horse looked well looked after. Only problem I saw was cars beeping and trying to rush around them

Jane Nicholas

Horses were here before the motor vehicles. Those horses were fine, they are all well looked after and none of them looked poor. Sadly most of the haters don’t have a clue about horses.

Alison Bridgewate­r

I saw this at Portsmouth Hard. The young lads on the carts had no respect for other road users, going through red lights over taking buses. As much as the horses looked well cared for those lads were putting those horses in danger as they were whipping constantly to make them go as fast as they could. I'm surprised there weren't any accidents!

Ann-marie Underwood

Yes, take a leaf out of Blackpool’s book, they have strict rules for horses at the seaside. Feed bags, water, etc. The police should have moved them on in cases of horses being tied up for hours with no basic supplies.

They were causing chaos at the big junction by the Victoria Park going the wrong way/ running the

Well done to them all, horses and dogs are man’s best friends

 ?? ?? Over 90 pony and traps turned up in Portsmouth on Saturday, May 25
Over 90 pony and traps turned up in Portsmouth on Saturday, May 25

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