Portsmouth News

‘I know rough figures – we can compete’


John Mousinho believes Pompey’s transfer kitty will allow them to compete in the Championsh­ip.

The Blues boss admitted he will remain distanced from the finer details of transfer negotiatio­ns this summer - but his side will be able to hold their own after stepping up a division,

Mousinho’s club are stepping up to a very different terrain next term when it comes to financial muscle of their opponents.

For a start, they will be facing three clubs relegated from the Premier League who will each receive a £45m parachute payment.

But the head coach doesn’t see a situation where his club are out of kilter with the outfits they will compete against.

Mousinho said: ‘It’s not something I get involved in, but I know the rough figures and we can compete.

‘I’m not completely shut off from it and if I want something I can just ask.

‘It’s not something I’m not allowed to see, but from my point of view it really helps when recruiting players where I can have a look at the list.

‘If there are four players on the list, we’ll do our work on them and I might prioritise them in order.

‘I might say I would be happy with any of those four and the club will then go and do their work on them. That’s good enough for me and I don’t have to get involved in any of that.’

Pompey are about to tackle a busy period with Mousinho admitting there will be another sizable overhaul of his squad.

The Blues boss has given an insight into how the recruitmen­t work will operate in the months ahead.

He added: ‘The club are never going to bring a player to me that is going to blow the budget.

‘I have sometimes gone to the club with a player and asked if it is a realistic one. Sometimes it’s a yes and sometimes it’s a no.

‘We will know that, because Rich (Hughes, Pompey’s sporting director) has his finger on the pulse in terms of how much these players want.

‘Sometimes the wages are astronomic­al and I get told: “Great player, but forget about that one that’s not one for us”. ‘I think it works really well for us.so I have rough ideas, but I don’t have to dig into the detail of it.’

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Pompey boss John Mousinho
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