Portsmouth News

Financial pressures put more mortgage-holders at risk


More mortgage-holders in Portsmouth risked losing their homes last year, new figures show.

A charity has warned the cost-of-living crisis and high mortgage costs are putting people in danger of becoming homeless.

Figures from the Ministry of Justice show 59 mortgage possession claims were made in Portsmouth in the year to March – nine of which led to a property being repossesse­d by a bailiff.

For comparison, in 202223 there were 40 claims, leading to 11 homes being repossesse­d.

If a claim is successful, the defendant will be ordered to leave the property.

If they do not come to an agreement with the claimant they can be evicted, leading to a repossessi­on.

In the first quarter of

2024 there were 5,182 such claims made across England and Wales – a 28 per cent increase from 4,035 a year earlier.

Mortgage rates remain at high levels since surging in late 2021, albeit with some rates being cut in recent months.

The figures show renters are also suffering, with a six per cent increase in landlord claims over the same period across the country.

In the city, landlords made 429 claims in the year to March, with 136 resulting in a repossessi­on. This was up from 2022-23, when there were 387.

Law Society president Nick Emmerson said: "We are concerned about the number of people who are at risk of becoming homeless.

"With the cost-of-living crisis and high interest rates, many are struggling with rent and mortgage payments and are at risk of losing their homes."

He cautioned legal aid is the only hope for many, but "remains out of reach", with more law firms no longer offering advice.

Stepchange is a charity that offers advice and support for those in arrears with their mortgage or rent.

Policy manager Jonathan Chesterman said: "Rent or mortgage payments are priority bills, so if you are in arrears with these payments, they should always be addressed before any consumer credit debt."

He urged people in difficulty that it's "really important" to let your lender or landlord know as early as possible if you fear you might fall behind on payments.

 ?? ?? Mortgage-holders are under pressure and some could become homeless.
Mortgage-holders are under pressure and some could become homeless.
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