Portsmouth News




3. Push domestic newspapers as far as possible? (5,4) 8. Ambush meant that only some got back (4) 9. Suddenly everybody appeared at the same time (3,2,4) 10. Agreeably – like at a French resort? (6) 11. A lot of ships are fast (5) 14. In such a trip, Englishmen may mature (5) 15. I hurried round in bad weather (4) 16. Set of people who don't quite reach adulthood (5) 18. A trial of brute strength (4) 20. A ray of light at right-angles to the ship (5) 21. Not easily obtainable – too closely held (5) 24. The colour of an explosive device (6) 25. Feeling it is something that will create enormous interest? (9) 26. A propensity for being crooked (4) 27. Trying to get judgment changed is attractive (9)


1. Whatever may happen, the speed doesn't matter, apparently (2,3,4) 2. April, perhaps, is when the salute may be taken (5,4) 4. Initially report even local youths have confidence (4) 5. Come to a standstill in the stable? (5) 6. Horny owl? (6) 7. I.e. interspers­ed with 1100 rodents (4) 9. From end to end of a journal on gardening (5) 11. Keep one's head above water when there's nothing in the tenement (5) 12. Assume control of 100 and seek shelter (4,5) 13. Shortly part of an item of the records of the meeting (2,1,6) 17. Heather horse gets up after father! (5) 19. Fabric from which suites may be made (6) 22. The French put up with very warm inn (5) 23. Don't surrender this part of the castle (4) 24. Complaint means the fellow has eaten nothing (4)


3. Purpose (9)

8. Lazy (4)

9. Cowardly (9)

10. Parcel (6)

11. Inhuman (5)

14. Extent (5)

15. Weed (4)

16. Bring up (5)

18. Fling (4)

20. Unrestrain­ed (5)

21. Rascal (5)

24. Represent (6)

25. Behaviour (9)

26. Hinge (4)

27. Wretched (9)


1. Incongruit­y (9)

2. Laxity (9)

4. Thrash (4)

5. Penetrate (5)

6. Goal (6)

7. Base (4)

9. Discourage (5)

11. Clear-cut (5)

12. Toilsome (9)

13. Contrite (9)

17. Senior (5)

19. Plan (6)

22. Craze (5)

23. Fairy (4)

24. Overcast (4)

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