Portsmouth News

Our overall winners have Blitz-ed it to take home the night’s top prize


Gosport heralded its best and brightest businesses at an awards ceremony celebratin­g those that have made a big impact in the community.

The first ever Gosport Business Awards 2024 took place at the Jervis Gallery, St Vincent College.

Hopeful nominees from businesses across the borough turned up to network and celebrate the achievemen­ts of local businesses that have thrived in the past 12 months.

From breweries to baby clothes and book shops to bike repairs, the night demonstrat­ed the diverse offering that local businesses provide in Gosport. Local entreprene­urs were able to mingle, network and celebrate what the local area has to offer.

Gosport Borough

Council staged the awards in partnershi­p with 22Midnight, St Vincent College, The News, and headline sponsor Standardae­ro.

The News’ publishing editor, Mark Waldron, hosted the awards.

He said: "The News enjoys nothing more than celebratin­g the successes of our local communitie­s and that includes shining the spotlight on those businesses which are really

We are delighted to be bringing that focus right into the heart of Gosport

making a difference.

"We are delighted to be bringing that focus right into the heart of Gosport to showcase the incredible businesses it has to offer.”

There were nine awards handed out celebratin­g independen­t businesses.

That included an overall business of the year award which was selected from the night’s winners. That accolade went to Blitz Photograph­y owned by husband-and-wife team, Steve and Georgina Reid.

Steve said: “We were blown away to be honest.

"We entered the creative category as that’s what we do, but to win the overall business of the year, when there are so many amazing businesses here in Gosport, that just completely blew our minds. We are so happy and so grateful.”

 ?? ?? David Steer (right) from Standardae­ro with winners Steve and George Reid from Blitz Photograph­y who are the Overall Business of the Year award
David Steer (right) from Standardae­ro with winners Steve and George Reid from Blitz Photograph­y who are the Overall Business of the Year award

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