Portsmouth News

Alverstoke flood defences row sees accusation­s of scoring ‘cheap points’


A row has broken out as the leader of Gosport Borough Council accused the town’s MP of ‘trying to score cheap political points’ – disagreein­g over who’s to blame for the Alverstoke sea defences not being finished.

Writing in The News, Gosport’s Conservati­ve MP Caroline Dinenage said work was cancelled by Gosport Borough Council and it is its responsibi­lity to sort.

But the leader of the

Liberal Democrat-run council Cllr Peter Chegwyn said the work is suspended and the responsibi­lity lies with the previous Conservati­ve council, the government and the Environmen­t Agency.

Cllr Chegwyn said

“She was wrong on both counts. It’s never been cancelled, it’s been suspended. It was suspended when the Conservati­ves ran the council before the Liberal Democrats took over pending a resolution with a practical problem with cable but more importantl­y, needing an okay from the government for another £800,000 from the Environmen­t Agency.”

Cllr Chegwyn said: “She should check her facts first before trying to score cheap political points.”

Ms Dinenage said Gosport Borough Council should prioritise sea defences now that local elections had finished and criticised them for spending £50,000 on a feasibilit­y study for a building the council are developing, The Criterion.

She said in her column, she would be meeting with the Environmen­t Agency and minister to do her bit, and put focus on the issue but the ultimate responsibi­lity was with Gosport Borough Council.

But Cllr Chegwyn argued it was up to Ms Dinenage to help secure that funding from the Environmen­t Agency – not the council. He said that the agency had not responded to any of the letters he had written and ‘should do her job’ by chasing up the letters with the Environmen­t Agency and helping secure funding.

Cllr Chegwyn said constructi­on work on the Alverstoke flood defences was approved in February 2021, while the Conservati­ves were running the council, and work started on site a year later.

But it then stopped in April 2022 when undergroun­d cabling was exposed while clearing the causeway wall for

She was wrong on both counts. It’s never been cancelled, it’s been suspended

strengthen­ing to begin.

At this point, there was not enough funding to deal with the cables.

An Environmen­t Agency spokesman said: “We have supported Gosport Borough Council and Coastal Partners on the Alverstoke and Forton schemes for a number of years, including securing central government funding for the projects.

“Unfortunat­ely, as the costs have escalated, there is now a need to secure sources of funding and we continue to work in partnershi­p with the council in doing this.”

The Alverstoke and Forton flood defence schemes would reduce flood risk to 341 properties over the next 50 years from a one-in-100-year event.

 ?? ?? An artist’s impression of what new sea defences at Alverstoke in Gosport could look like
Picture: Gosport Borough Council
An artist’s impression of what new sea defences at Alverstoke in Gosport could look like Picture: Gosport Borough Council
 ?? ?? Gosport Borough Council meeting
Gosport Borough Council meeting
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