Portsmouth News

Youngsters 'flourish' at pre-school


A pre-school in Fareham has been described as a setting where children ‘flourish’ following its recent outstandin­g Ofsted rating.

Penguin Pre-school, located in Peak Lane, has improved its Ofsted rating going from a good rating to an outstandin­g one following the recent inspection which took place on February 27.

The report found that children are happy to attend the pre-school and the staff greet them in a kind and caring manner.

The report said: “Children arrive happy and excited to start their day. They are greeted by the kind and friendly staff, who know them very well. Children are supported by the attentive staff, who swiftly help them to settle with ease.

“Children flourish at the pre-school. Leaders and staff have high expectatio­ns for children's learning and developmen­t.

"They complete comprehens­ive assessment­s and observatio­ns of what children know and can do, to determine their starting points. They use this informatio­n to plan for children's next steps in learning.

“Staff provide many rich and varied opportunit­ies for children to learn about different cultures.

“For example, children enjoy making Caribbean fruit salad during visits from people in the local community, and they learn words related to different languages.

“Furthermor­e, they are introduced to musical instrument­s from different countries and cultures, such as bagpipes.

“These experience­s help children to develop an understand­ing of and respect for diversity.

"The safeguardi­ng measures are effective and there is a strong culture of keeping children safe.”

The report also found that leaders and staff are passionate about what they do and they have outlined an ambitious curriculum for the children in their care to ensure they develop and make good progress.

For more informatio­n about the Penguin Pre-school Ofsted report please visit files.ofsted.gov.uk/v1/file/50243102

Leaders and staff have high expectatio­ns for children's learning and developmen­t

 ?? ?? Penguin Preschool has received an outstandin­g Ofsted rating following its recent inspection
Penguin Preschool has received an outstandin­g Ofsted rating following its recent inspection
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