Portsmouth News

Asking big questions what is friendship and how to sustain one


What sustains a 10-year friendship? What questions would you still like to ask your parents? How comfortabl­e are you talking about death? These were some of the questions that came up in the podcasts featured this week.

The Tooney & Russo Show

What are the necessary ingredient­s to build and sustain a friendship that’s over 10 years old? Well, Radio 1’s Vick Hope is on a mission to find out and become part of a trio with two of football’s most famous friends: Ella Toone and Alessia Russo.

In their new BBC Sounds podcast, The Tooney & Russo Show, listeners get to be part of the conversati­on where nothing is off-limits – but they are going to see how it goes – especially in their first episode where they talk through some memorabili­a in the studio – almost like a living room – that captures the different stages

Do you think about the moment you are going to die as you get older? Roman Kemp to father Martin of their friendship.

The first was a picture of Russo doing Toone’s hair, bucket hats, and a lobster, which has a very funny story attached to it, just to name a few.

But at the heart of this episode was getting to know the genesis of this strong friendship, which listeners are likely to really enjoy learning more about.

FFS! My Dad Is Martin Kemp

People know that Martin Kemp and Roman Kemp are related, but there’s a specific reason why Roman decided to start a podcast with his dad. He wanted to immortalis­e some of his brilliant advice in the form of an audio library, which he could maybe show to his children one day.

FFS! My Dad Is Martin Kemp – an Insanity Studios production – is where Roman asks his dad a series of questions about life, and no topic is off the table, which is very clear from the first episode.

“Do you think about the moment you are going to die as you get older?” Roman first asked his dad.

After beating a brain tumour scare when he was age 34, Martin took on a different approach to life and continues to see every year that he lives as a bonus.

It was interestin­g hearing him reflect and be content about the life he has already lived. However, he still wishes he had spoken to his parents about love because they were “great about it”.

Talking about death can be very uncomforta­ble, especially when talking to a parent about when they think you may lose them, but it was a refreshing conversati­on about we need to make the most of our time with our parents, while they are still here.

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These week’s podcasts are available via all streaming platforms

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