Portsmouth News

Blues supporters relieved to finally end worrying run


Pompey fans have been having their say on social media after Saturday’s 1-0 win at Fleetwood. Here’s a selection of those views...

@officialfo­urnil: There will be an overwhelmi­ng sense of relief for all of us wherever you are tonight. A result we won’t celebrate much, but that could prove crucial. The Mousinho leadership test has been passed, a week of character cross examinatio­n is over. #Pompey are back on track, for now.

@DHartrick: Needed that win and didn’t care how it came today but going forward especially when we have to face the bigger teams we are going to need a massive improvemen­t in performanc­e and personnel not sure how long Timo is out for could use his power and creativity.

@PompeyViki­ng62: The good news is we won. The even better news is I might never have to hear that club play Captain Pugwash ever again. Points around us were dropped, a good day in every way. Up the Blues, get me home.


Great getting 3 points but worrying second half without Morrell going forward. Felt like players were trying to let Bish score instead of taking their chances.


Happy days win’s a win doesn’t matter how it comes especially after the form we have been in. If u moan about winning u need to give ur head a wobble #pompey

@jackfurlon­gg: Terry Devlin literally puts 100% into every single thing he does on the pitch for us, every game he plays. Lucky to have him #Pompey

@AFriskyPig­eon: Far from convincing but it’s 3 points on a day when Bolton and Derby drop points.

 ?? Picture: Jason Brown ?? Pompey fans in good voice at Fleetwood
Picture: Jason Brown Pompey fans in good voice at Fleetwood

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