Portsmouth News

Getting big screen treatment

Much-anticipate­d movie adaptation­s of favourite best-sellers coming soon


Film adaptation­s of your favourite books are a mixed blessing – you can re-visit a read without turning a page but not all big screen versions live up to the original.

My advice is read the book first, it is invariably the best version and you get to imagine the characters rather than have a performer-of-the-moment thrust upon you,

These are some of the titles being turned into movies this year.

It Ends with Us by Colleen Hoover

On the day of her father’s funeral, Lily meets Ryle, a handsome neurosurge­on, and sparks immediatel­y fly. It is a steamy love story that shifts to a tale of domestic violence.

Force of Nature by Jane Harper

In the Australian Outback, when five women set out on a hike for a corporate retreat but only four return, Federal Police Investigat­or Aaron Falk is

drawn into the case. The Watchers by AM Shine

A horror thriller isn't one for the faint hearted. Following a girl, Dakota Fanning, as she and three strangers are stalked by mysterious creatures in an Irish Forest.

Harold and the Purple Crayon by Crockett Johnson

The children’s picture book about Harold who creates a magical world is getting a liveaction book to movie adaptation.

Tiger’s Apprentice by Lauren Yep

Tom Lee is an ordinary boy who meets a talking tiger named Mr Hu. Joining Mr. Hu’s ragtag group, Tom finds he has magical powers and important responsibi­lities.

Frankenste­in by Mary Shelley

Lisa Frankenste­in is a loose adaptation of the story of the monster with a conscience. In a mix of comedy and horror, a teenage girl reanimates a handsome Victorian corpse and rebuilds him into her dream guy.

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 ?? ?? Books – including The Tiger’s Apprentice – are a great source of a wide range of movies
Books – including The Tiger’s Apprentice – are a great source of a wide range of movies
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