Portsmouth News

Feeling a million dollars on a Cheshire spa break

Stepping into the beautiful and majestic world of Carden was ‘love at first sight’


You can slap the word spa on lots of things these days and - because everybody needs to relax more - lots of businesses do. There are far too many hotels which have a small gym, tiny pool, miniscule sauna and charge far too much for a pretty poor ‘experience’ there.

So I always approach with a bit of trepidatio­n. These days always come with a hefty price tag and, being from Yorkshire, I want to get my money’s worth.

Fortunatel­y, you can tell immediatel­y whether a spa is good or bad - and first impression is everything.

If you have ever experience­d love at first sight, that’s what we felt when we stepped into the world of Carden. The driveway to the hotel takes you through gorgeous countrysid­e, perfectly manicured lawns, majestic fountains and glorious sculptures. You feel special before you even get the very warm welcome from reception staff.

I should mention it has won a ton of awards and cost £10m to create but it is only your own findings that counts. Fortunatel­y, every accolade is well earned and it is clear the team understand­s that you’re only as good as your last visitor’s experience.

We went on a sunny autumn day and although it wasn’t hot, it felt like the perfect temperatur­e to make the most of the exquisitel­y designed spa garden. It is the first time I have experience­d any spa in the UK which has a huge focus on making sure you can enjoy the great outdoors as much as the treatments inside. It has been designed around nature and flows with the seasons. So I guess I’ll have to visit at least four times a year to truly make the most of it!

There are numerous hottubs and the planting is done in such a way that you feel relatively secluded even when in the middle of the external area. So you can sit chatting with friends as if you are the only ones there. Even better, you can order Bolinger at the press of a button and it is served straight to your spot of bubbling heaven.

It has one of the cutest bars you’ll ever see - complete with thatched roof and looking rather like you’re in the Caribbean than Cheshire - and an outdoor pool which makes your skin tingle in delight as the warmth envelopes you.

The firepit area is straight out of Love Island and an Instagram magnet. Who wouldn’t want to relax with your BFFs while sipping a cocktail and looking like a superstar? Look good, feel good - my bedraggled hair and slightly wrinkly skin from overstayin­g in the pools clearly didn’t make me photograph­enic, but I felt incredible.

One of my favourite spots was the tepidarium but I had so many best bits, it is hard to include them all. One of the saunas is set up with wooden benches arranged like a cinema - but it is the glorious gardens that act as the screen though an enormous glass window. I could sit and enjoy that view for hours.

There are also more sauna options than I have seen... Salt steam room, tepidarium, aroma steam room, bio sauna, Finnish sauna and experience showers, ice fountain, indoor vitality pool and heated relaxation beds.

We stayed at the hotel the night before. Although the spa experience was the highlight and our reason for visiting, it would be criminal to underplay the quality of the whole package. Everything from the food to the cocktails and the staff - nothing is too much trouble,

but they are friendly in a way that posh places rarely manage to achieve - warms the cockles of your heart.

The enormous beds are luxuriousl­y comfy, the interior design of each room is perfection and the whole presentati­on adds to the feeling of being a VIP for the night. We weren’t able to dine in the main restaurant due to an event but the alternativ­e was so good, we wouldn’t have even known if staff hadn’t profusely apologised.

To fit in with the settings, I had steak. It melted in the mouth and came with all the perfect accompanim­ents. We had very little room left after two courses but couldn’t resist the cheese board and, from somebody who has sampled enough to declare themselves a profession­al cheese taster, it was incredible.

O ur b reakfast table made the most of the beautiful grounds and golf course. The buffet had lots of options and the coffee was delicious. We were still full from our feast the previous evening but there’s nothing like a good breakfast to set you up for the day - so we perceived.

Carden Park describes itself as ‘pioneering a new era of wellness escapism’. As a straight talking northerner, I’d just say it was flipping fab. I would go back with friends in a heartbeat and, as I sat feeling a million miles away from the stresses of everyday life, I was already compiling a list of who I would return with on my next visit.

Spas are never cheap, but all too often they aren’t worth the money. People rarely complain because the time spent chilling out with friends or family makes it worthwhile. If you are going to splash out, make sure you pick somewhere that makes you feel a million dollars and fills your heart with joy. Carden should be top of your list.

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 ?? ?? A bird’s-eye view of The Spa at Carden and, inset, some of its relaxing facilities.
A bird’s-eye view of The Spa at Carden and, inset, some of its relaxing facilities.
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