Portsmouth News

Unions welcome moves by new chief as ‘positive signal’


Paul Whiteman, general secretary of school leaders' union NAHT, said:

"This announceme­nt shows that the new chief inspector has a greater understand­ing of the problem. Allowing time for training is a positive signal.

"Next, Sir Martyn needs to agree with the profession immediate steps that will bring sufficient confidence to allow time to develop muchneeded long-term reform. I look forward to discussing this with HMCI (His Majesty's Chief Inspector) this week."

Geoff Barton, general secretary of the Associatio­n of School and College Leaders (ASCL), said: "We welcome this decision and Sir Martyn's commitment to listening to the profession's concerns about the current inspection system."

He added: "Today's announceme­nt should pave the way for Ofsted to fully address each area of concern raised by the coroner, but it must also set Ofsted on a path of wider reform in the long term – including the removal of single phrase judgments."

Daniel Kebede, general secretary of the National Education Union (NEU), said:

"Sir Martyn Oliver's announceme­nt of a pause in school inspection­s signals that the chief inspector recognises that it is now time for Ofsted to listen to the voice of educators and their unions.

"The pause should be the start of a root and branch reform of school inspection.

"Our present system is inconsiste­nt, unfair and unsuccessf­ul in promoting school improvemen­t.

"Ofsted is a harmful presence in our schools and needs to be replaced with a collaborat­ive system that truly reflects a rounded picture of the work of schools.

"Parents, students and teachers all deserve better."

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