Portsmouth News

Last ditch talks held as Asda strike over ‘toxic culture’ looms


“Toxic” working practices have led to staff at Asda’s Gosport superstore to add further dates to its strike action plan.

GMB union members at the supermarke­t in Dock

Road will now be commencing their walkout on January 15, with further industrial action planned for February. After initially organising to stage strikes from January 12 to January 26, the GMB union said the first three days are suspended following “lastditch” talks with supermarke­t bosses.

Nicola Nixon, GMB regional organiser, said:

“We are pleased that Asda management are taking our members’ views seriously, but saddened that it took the very real threat of industrial action to bring them to the table for serious talks. Our members are very clear that they will not hesitate to come out on strike on January 15 and into February unless they receive definite commitment­s that this toxic atmosphere will be brought to an end.”

The walkout is believed to be the first at any Asda supermarke­t in the UK, with members bemoaning harsh treatment from managers. They have reported wage errors and health and safety concerns, with strikes previously described as a “cry for help” by Ms Nixon. Up to 100 employees will now be going on strike.

The additional dates are from Monday, January 29, to Sunday, February 11. Ms Nixon added: “While it is ultimately the members who will decide if they are satisfied and they who will decide when the dispute ends, Asda need to come to these last-ditch talks with the sole aim of resolving the issues at hand.”

 ?? ?? Staff are walking out of the Asda in Dock Road, Gosport
Staff are walking out of the Asda in Dock Road, Gosport

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