Portsmouth News

Not doing this in my name


Here we go again, another strike by Junior doctors, this time the longest in NHS history.

So the reality of the situation for the public is that with a waiting time for NHS treatment the longest ever, the government has decided, (unlike Scotland) to spearhead their pay policy with a further fight against Junior doctors.

I do not think the interests of helpless patients are being looked after by what is now the sixth health secretary since 2019. What she is doing is not in my family's name.

When Covid put NHS staff on the front line, we applauded them, and it should have been so easy for the government to have made an exception towards NHS staff pay – bearing in mind a world shortage of doctors – with the UK having a shortage of 9,000 doctors and, until recently, only training half the doctors we need.

With retention of doctors a major problem already, the present unrest is not going to be helped by the likes of Australian doctors being paid more than twice the UK average, and with better conditions.

At the turn of the century we have seen GPs released from their 24 hour cover contract, the excellent Haslar Hospital closed, leaving QA Hospital to cover a huge area without enough bed capacity to cope, even in good times (Germany has three times our hospital bed capacity).

Most of these decisions made on behalf of our

NHS have been taken by faceless bureaucrat­s with politician­s in overall charge, and our NHS is on its knees.

We must vote in the coming general election for candidates who make our NHS their number one priority, and that includes every party.

And if they tell you there is no money, remind them the government is finding £5 million a year for the upkeep of Grenfell Tower, along with others I'm sure. Brian Harbord


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