Portsmouth News

James’ boccia bronze is his best result for years


Denmead resident James Clowes is celebratin­g his best result for five years.

The 29-year-old England internatio­nal claimed a bronze medal in the UK Boccia Championsh­ips at the University of Warwick.

Clowes, who has Athetoid Cerebral Palsy, qualified for the event by finishing runner-up at the BE Cup Finals (Nationals) last May.

He qualified for the UK semi-finals by finishing second in his pool, but lost to the person ranked No 41 in the world. In the bronze medal match, Clowes romped to a 7-0 victory.

Clowes, who has always lived in Denmead, was a BC2 national champion in 2013, a silver medallist at the UK Boccia Championsh­ips in 2019, and a silver medallist in the BE Cup last year.

He is back in action this month, taking part in the West qualifying round of the BE Cup on January 20.

Clowes told The News: “Given that I'm part of the England squad, I'm hoping for more internatio­nal competitio­ns and opportunit­ies.

“Last year, I was one of two England athletes to travel to Portugal to a training camp with the Porto FC Boccia squad. That was a brilliant week and I learned a lot.

“I have been with the England squad for 16 years, where I have been lucky enough to compete in

Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, The Netherland­s and Austria.”

Clowes is also captain of Solent Boccia Club, who play in the Boccia England Super League.

“This is a great achievemen­t personally, as I helped form Solent Boccia in 2017, together with my head coach Barry Bowden,” recalled Clowes, who studied at Solent University between 2013-2019.

*Boccia, pronounced 'Botcha', is a Paralympic sport introduced in 1984. It has no Olympic counterpar­t.

Athletes throw, kick or use a ramp to propel a ball onto the court with the aim of getting closest to a 'jack' ball.

The sport is designed specifical­ly for athletes with a disability affecting their locomotor function and is played indoors on a court similar in size to a badminton court.

I'm hoping for more internatio­nal competitio­ns

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 ?? ?? James Clowes with his bronze medal
James Clowes with his bronze medal

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