Portsmouth News

Wonderful staff at QA Hospital

- Portsmouth

On New Year’s Eve I awoke at 5am, put my right foot onto the carpet and an excruciati­ng pain ensued.

My leg folded under me and I fell (age 88) face down onto the bedroom carpet.

My foot would not tolerate weight bearing but I managed to phone 999 and was advised, despite the mobility issue, that entry into my home was obviously vital otherwise my door would be (expensivel­y) knocked down, which was understand­able.

I crawled agonisingl­y on my hands and knees and managed to open the door to await the ambulance, which I was told might take three hours.

To my huge relief it arrived in under 45 minutes and I was carefully transporte­d to the hospital along with my bag of clothing and toiletries.

I will spare readers the worst of the clinical details, but basically the problem stems from a very serious car accident some years ago.

This letter is to address the care I received, and it was superb – from the moment I arrived at 6am.

I stayed in A&E for 10 hours and saw three doctors and consultant­s all of whom were kind and caring, along with clinical and backroom office staff – all empathetic, humorous and efficient which was truly remarkable.

I was later transferre­d to a special ward where all eight staff were very patient and friendly. Later that day (despite me being willing to get a taxi home after six X-rays, many physical examinatio­ns and blood tests) staff insisted that I wait for an ambulance and conveyed me to my ninth floor flat plus baggage and copious medication.

I live alone as my dear Wife Georgina is in a care home and also very well cared for. Well done NHS and specifical­ly A&E at QA Hospital.

Jon Cole

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