Portsmouth News

Longest strike in NHS history is beginning today


Junior doctors in England are staging the longest strike in NHS history at a time when the service is at its "most stretched".

Medics have walked out for six days in a major escalation in the bitter row with the Government over pay.

The industrial action, from 7am today to 7am on Tuesday January 9, comes at one of the busiest times of the year for the NHS as it grapples with increased pressure from winter viruses and a rise in people coming forward who delayed seeking help over the holidays.

The NHS has warned that the strike action, which could see up to half of the medical workforce on picket lines, could cause "the most difficult start to the year the NHS has ever faced".

It said emergency and urgent care will be prioritise­d during the strikes and almost all routine care will be affected.

But patients are being urged to still seek care if they need it.

NHS England's national medical director, Professor Sir Stephen Powis, said: "This January could be one of the most difficult starts to the year the NHS has ever faced.

"Six consecutiv­e days of industrial action will not only have an enormous impact on planned care, but comes on top of a host of seasonal pressures such as Covid, flu, and staff absences due to sickness - all of which is impacting on how patients flow through hospitals.

"Our colleagues across the health service are doing their very best for patients every day, with extensive preparatio­ns in place, but there's no doubt they are starting 2024 on the back foot - not only will action impact this week, it will continue to have a serious impact in the weeks after.

"However, I cannot stress enough that people who need care must come forward as they usually would - using 999 and A&E in life-threatenin­g emergencie­s and 111 online for everything else."

Junior doctors from the Hospital Consultant­s and Specialist­s Associatio­n union will also join colleagues on picket lines. Consultant­s and specialty and associate specialist (SAS) doctors have agreed a deal with the Government.

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 ?? ?? Junior doctors were today starting a six-day strike
Junior doctors were today starting a six-day strike

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