Portsmouth News

Our money worries are getting worse, and his generosity is to blame


Iam married to a lovely man who is hopeless with money. We’ve been together for just over 12 years, he’s got a fairly secure job and works all hours that he can, but we never seem to have enough.

The main problem is he’s just too generous with his money. He’s always the first to pay for things if we go out and is forever bailing out friends and family if they get into trouble.

At Christmas, it just gets worse as he’s already spent far too much money on presents for everyone.

I know he does this because he loves and cares for us, but I am worried that we are just getting further and further into trouble.

N. S.

Fiona says: Make a plan together

It’s hard to be critical of anyone for being generous to others. However, if that generosity is causing financial distress for you, I think you’re right to be concerned.

Talk with your husband and explain that the debt issue is serious and that you are very worried.

Mounting debt is a sure sign you’re overspendi­ng and one of the simplest things you can do to improve things in the short-term, is to reign in all non-essential expenditur­e.

Say that you’re prepared to look at ways to bring in more money, but ask that he does his bit by being more careful with his money.

Then, together, I suggest you contact the National Debtline (nationalde­btline. org) where you can talk with an expert adviser to create a budget and put in place a management plan for your debt.

One final suggestion, whatever you do, resist the urge to apologise. You’ve done nothing wrong; you’ve been a conscienti­ous, hard-working parent who has devoted her time to her young children and now you’re ready for a different challenge. Good luck.

“Mounting debt is a suresign you’re overspendi­ng andone ofthe simplest things you can do to improve things in theshort termis to reignin all non essential expenditur­e.

 ?? Picture: PA/Wire ?? Image posed by model
Picture: PA/Wire Image posed by model

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