Portsmouth News

A happy and prosperous 2024 from all the Rotary clubs of Hampshire


From all the Rotary clubs in Hampshire may we wish all the very happy 2024. Before looking ahead to the new allow us to look back of a few of things achieved by some of your local clubs; remember, you can be part of what we do, see the last paragraph below

⬛ held its Burn’s Night Supper for the first time in three years in 2023.

This enjoyable annual event has a traditiona­l welcome to the haggis, a piper, a dinner, and Scottish dancing and raises funds for charity. Looking ahead, tickets are now available for 27 January 2024 at Victory Hall, Warsash

Rotary Club of Locks Heath Fareham Meon

has had ⬛ a really good and rewarding 2023.

Building steadily on the post COVID era with growth in both the size and diversity of membership as well as a rapid return to pre COVID volume of charitable income, there has also been a welcome rise in activity levels. The focus for 2024 is centred on further membership growth and heightened involvemen­t in local community projects.

Portsmouth North

have supported various charities in 2023, currently collecting at Tesco for Sophies Legacy charity at QA Hospital.

The main fundraiser was the Charity Golf day in June 2023 (£8,419).

Other causes which raised between them over £10,000 included Buckland Soup Kitchen, Rotary Dictionary for Life, Turkey Earthquake, Macmillan Cancer Support, Shelter Box, Progressiv­e Supranucle­ar Palsy, Sophies Legacy, Manor Infant School, Hannah’s Holiday Homes, Connors Toy Library, Rotary Foundation and Lord Mayor of Portsmouth Charities. Like all clubs, Portsmouth North are looking for new members (contact keith@acorncompa­nies.co.uk)

Gosport Rotary

have some well-establishe­d events that are very popular with the community and raise much needed funds.

These include the Vehicle Rally & Fun Day at Stokes

Bay (August Bank Holiday Monday), Michaelmas Fayre in September (raising over £1,400), inaugurati­ng a 5K Christmas Pudding run in December, proceeds to Harbour Cancer Support, but also offered bursaries to two students from Gosport who have headed off to university last Autumn as part of the club’s Gosport Rotary Academic Bursary Scheme (GRABS) scheme

Southsea Castle

had its most rewarding year since before Covid.

Events varied from taking part as a team in the annual Relay for Life weekend for Cancer Research (raising over £2,000 for the first time), supporting Portsmouth Hospitals Charity (QA) with their 5p collection towards funds for children’s wards as well as sponsoring 100 presents for patients for Christmas Day, helping to refurbish Moving on Portsmouth Project (MOPP)’s new premises, attending and marshallin­g at the Big Bash charity event at Fort Widley in the summer and finally in December collecting food for the Portsmouth Foodbank/ TrussellTr­ust(34crates-worth) plus raising over £1,200 from carols singing with schools and a rotary awareness day at Tesco Fratton.

If you would like more informatio­n or details of Rotary clubs local to you, please contact raydrake@talktalk.net or kenebbens@aol.com (Rotary District Officers)

 ?? Picture: Submitted ?? Christmas Pudding run
Picture: Submitted Christmas Pudding run

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