Portsmouth News

Fire service’s Prince’s Trust programme for young people


Young people in Portsmouth will soon have access to an exciting new opportunit­y thanks to a new Prince’s Trust programme being launched in Waterloovi­lle this month.

Starting on January 22, Hampshire and Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue (HIWFRS) will start the new 12-week course for unemployed young people – aged between 16-25 – who aren’t in education and are unsure about their future goals.

The programme, which will be run out of Waterloovi­lle Fire Station, is designed to boost confidence, increase motivation, and help team members gain the new skills and experience­s needed to turn their lives around.

Every team member who completes the course also receives a nationally recognised Level 1 Employment, Teamwork and Community Skills qualificat­ion certificat­e.

Recent team members spoke of the huge difference the programme has made to their lives. Abi, 22, from Basingstok­e, joined the programme after leaving

Bath University in her third year due to personal circumstan­ces.

Abi said: “I was at home applying for jobs and getting nowhere. Also, all my friends were still at uni in Bath so I felt slightly isolated and had no idea what my next steps would be. My mum, who is currently a fire safety inspector in HIWFRS, then suggested I apply for the PT programme and I’m so glad I did.

“I would definitely recommend the programme to others.”

Abi is now considerin­g applying for roles within the fire service, as well as potential apprentice­ships in environmen­tal health with the council.

Liam, 22, from London, joined the Basingstok­e Prince’s Trust team after moving there from London.

Liam said: “The course was suggested to me by the local job centre as I had just moved to the area and didn’t know anybody.

“To anyone thinking of joining, I would say, just go for it.”

If you’re aged 16-25 and looking for a new challenge or know someone who is, email: princes-trust@ hantsfire.gov.uk or text Team to 07918 887897 for more informatio­n.

To anyone thinking of joining, I would say, just go for it

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 ?? ?? Presentati­on ceremonies were held recently to celebrate the achievemen­ts of the latest Prince’s Trust team members
Presentati­on ceremonies were held recently to celebrate the achievemen­ts of the latest Prince’s Trust team members

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