Perthshire Advertiser

‘Landmark day’ as new energy from waste plant takes shape

Work begins on £100m Glenfarg project


Work has begun on a £100 million Energy from Waste (EFW) facility in Perth and Kinross.

The new plant at Binn Eco Park, Glenfarg will create 200 jobs during constructi­on and 30 jobs when it opens in 2026.

Funded by French company Paprec Group, it will be built and operated by Paprec Energies Binn - a partnershi­p between Paprec Group and Binn Group.

Paprec is a French leader in recycling and green energy.

Founded in 2001 by father and son, John and Allan Macgregor - on their estate at Binn Farm - Binn Group has expanded to become one of Scotland’s largest independen­t waste management companies with over 200 employees. Allan’s son Guy was recently appointed as business developmen­t manager, seeing the family business span three generation­s.

Paprec Energies chief executive Sebastien Petithugue­nin, Binn Group chief executive Allan Macgregor, Perthshire South and Kinross-shire MSP Jim Fairlie and Perth and Kinross Council (PKC) leader Grant Laing were among a number of attendees at a special ceremony on Monday, May 6 to mark constructi­on work getting under way.

Designed to reduce carbon emissions, the facility will process up to 85,000 tonnes of non-recyclable waste each year. About half the waste will have been collected by PKC as part of a 15-year contract - awarded to Paprec by the local authority last year to treat its residual waste and turn it into energy.

Currently, around 40,000 tonnes of non-recyclable Perth and Kinross waste goes straight to landfill. New regulation­s - coming into force in Scotland from December 31, 2025 - will ban biodegrada­ble municipal waste going to landfill.

The concrete building currently visible on the site will be the waste reception hall and waste bunker. The rubbish will be deposited into the bunker then fed into an incinerato­r; the heat generated will heat water to create steam which will power the steam turbine to produce power.

A Paprec spokespers­on explained how measures would be in place to ensure emissions from the incinerato­r would be controlled.

The spokespers­on said: “There will be continuous monitoring systems to make sure we never exceed the limits, which are getting lower each year.”

Each year, the facility will generate up to eight MW of electricit­y and will also have the capacity to generate up to 17MW of heat.

Paprec Energies Binn wants other businesses to benefit from the lower cost energy produced at Binn Eco Park.

Head of strategy John Ferguson said: “We want businesses to come here and use our heat and our power and help us grow a low carbon economy and create new employment opportunit­ies in Perth and Kinross.”

Each year the facility will generate up to eight MW of electricit­y and will also have the capacity to generate up to 17MW of heat.

Paprec Energies chief executive Sebastien Petithugue­nin told those gathered at Monday’s event they were “delighted to be working closely with Binn Group to bring this new, exciting project to fruition.

We want businesses to come here and use our heat and power and help us grow a low carbon economy John Ferguson

He added: “We have built more than 200 such plants over recent years and have been behind the constructi­on of a third of all UK EFW facilities.

“When this facility goes live in early 2026, it will become the third EFW plant

 ?? ?? Exciting project
Allan Macgregor, CEO Binn Group, and Sebastien Petithugue­nin, CEO of Paprec Energies
Exciting project Allan Macgregor, CEO Binn Group, and Sebastien Petithugue­nin, CEO of Paprec Energies

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