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Five drive-thrus are approved for roundabout site

Developmen­ts expected to create 220 jobs


Planning permission has been granted for five new drive-thrus - including Starbucks and Burger King at Perth’s Broxden Roundabout.

Perth and Kinross Council’s (PKC) planning and placemakin­g committee approved two separate applicatio­ns which will see five drive-thru restaurant­s, an office block and 14 business units built next to one of Scotland’s busiest junctions.

After being recommende­d for approval by council officers, the applicatio­ns were unanimousl­y approved by councillor­s this week - despite concerns about business being moved out of Perth’s city centre and SEPA (Scottish Environmen­t Protection Agency) placing holding objections on both applicatio­ns.

The developmen­ts are expected to create around 220 jobs.

On Wednesday, May 8, councillor­s on the planning and placemakin­g committee approved an applicatio­n submitted by Drysdale Holdings Ltd submitted plans for three drive-thru café/ restaurant units including Burger King and Starbucks, 14 business units, parking and 36 electric vehicle (EV) chargers. The third drive-thru café/restaurant unit does not have an operator yet.

The committee was also asked to consider an applicatio­n submitted by West Coast Estates, Algo and EG Group for two drive-thru café/restaurant units and a three-storey office building of similar height to the neighbouri­ng Travelodge.

The first applicatio­n received 13 objections with concerns which included: traffic congestion, flood risk and overdevelo­pment.

The second applicatio­n received eight objections and 15 letters of support.

Earn Community Council objected to both.

Their reasons included increased flood risk, and traffic congestion as well as litter and the developmen­t going against the “town centre first” recommende­d by National Planning Framework Four (NPF4).

Statutory consultee SEPA placed a holding objection to both due to insufficie­nt informatio­n to allow Scotland’s environmen­tal regulator to determine the potential impact associated with flood risk.

Planning agent Mr Rankin - who spoke on behalf of the first applicant - said “the entire developmen­t would accommodat­e around 120 jobs on site” - approximat­ely 80 in the drive-thru restaurant­s and 42 in the business units.

Asked by Perth City North councillor Brian Leishman on the likelihood of a small independen­t operating the third drive-thru café/ restaurant, Mr Rankin said: “There is no reason why they could not.

“That could be a local business - absolutely.”

Perth City Centre councillor Chris Ahern raised concern about shops operating in any of the units but was told planning permission would first be needed for change of use.

Referring to SEPA’S holding objection, Cllr Ian James asked why councillor­s were being recommende­d to vote “against expert advice” and questioned the conflictin­g informatio­n being presented to councillor­s.

He also raised concern about increased traffic and said Broxden queues were “already a nightmare”.

The report - put before the committee - said SEPA thought any detailed Flood Risk Assessment should take account of the PKC’S Craigie Burn Flood Study, while PKC’S Flooding Team said they “do not consider that the council’s own Craigie Burn Flood Study is relevant to this proposal”.

PKC flooding engineer Gavin Bissett told councillor­s: “SEPA’S objection is more of a holding objection. They are looking for further informatio­n; it’s not an objection in principle, at this point.

“From the Flooding Team’s point of view, we’ve reviewed things and we’re happy that this complies with local and national planning policy, applies quite stringent requiremen­ts on the developer in terms of their surface water drainage arrangemen­ts. The site itself isn’t a flood risk.

“SEPA’S objection isn’t around the site, it’s around the well-establishe­d much wider flood risk.”

Cllr Brawn asked why council officers had not first clarified SEPA was happy with the additional informatio­n before bringing the applicatio­n to committee.

Planning officer Sean Panton said: “At present there is no drainage there at all.

“Once this developmen­t is in place, it will result in some betterment because there is drainage going in, attenuatio­n tanks and the likes. We are confident - SEPA and the council’s Flood Team - that it will result in some betterment so that’s why there’s not an objection in principle from SEPA. They just wanted more details.

“Those details were submitted by the applicant. Our Flood Team have reviewed them and were happy. SEPA have asked for further clarificat­ion again so I suppose it was just purely in the interests of time that we have come to this committee. But SEPA have highlighte­d they may be in a position to remove their objection.

Bailie Claire Mclaren raised concern about the “poor” condition of the wellused core path. Mr Rankin said they would be “quite happy to work with the council on agreeing some sort of upgrade”.

Moving the first applicatio­n for approval, convener Ian Massie said: “I believe this is a great developmen­t.

He added: “I believe this a good place for the businesses and drive-thru.”

Considerin­g the second applicatio­n, Cllr Bob Brawn questioned if there would be enough demand for two more drive-through café/ restaurant­s.

He said: “We’ve just approved Starbucks, Burger King, there’s a Mcdonalds already on the site, a Costa across the road and a family restaurant across the road.”

Planning agent Michael Lorimer - speaking on behalf of the second applicant said: “Yes, we’re confident there’s demand there.”

Asked who would occupy the office building Mr Lorimer confirmed there were “advanced discussion­s with Algo - a Perth-based employer - who are intending relocating to this location”.

Seeking legal advice, Perth City Centre councillor Chris Ahern was advised his reasons for refusal did not have strong enough grounds.

After the applicatio­n was unanimousl­y approved Bailie Ahern said: “I am all for businesses coming to Perth and would applaud anything that’s done to bring the business in.’’

If SEPA maintains its holding objections to both applicatio­ns, PKC will have to notify Scottish ministers.

I am all for businesses coming to Perth and would applaud anything that’s done to bring the business in

 ?? ?? Vision
The Starbucks branch which will be built on the developmen­t
Vision The Starbucks branch which will be built on the developmen­t
 ?? ?? Unit
Burger King is coming to the site
Unit Burger King is coming to the site
 ?? ?? Big plans The new developmen­t - which includes five drive-thrus - will be built near Perth’s Broxden Roundabout, and inset, an artist impression of what the developmen­t will look like
Big plans The new developmen­t - which includes five drive-thrus - will be built near Perth’s Broxden Roundabout, and inset, an artist impression of what the developmen­t will look like

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