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Perth pupils win inclusive competitio­n silverware

Floorballt­ourneymark­edlgbtq+ Purplefrid­ayevent


Fair City pupils are celebratin­g after winning an inclusive sports competitio­n for the first time.

Members of the PRISM Group at Perth High School proudly took ownership of the Purple Friday Salver recently following a victory against Perth Grammar.

The coveted prize is awarded annually following a floorball tournament between the two Fair City educationa­l institutio­ns.

Organised by Perth Parrots Floorball Club, the competitio­n was envisaged to celebrate LGBT Youth Scotland’s Purple

Friday event, held on the last Friday in February each year.

This year’s victory marks the first time Perth High pupils have won the trophy off the back of what was described as an extremely close match between the two schools.

Martin Shaw, the head teacher at Perth High, said: “Our pupils have really enjoyed participat­ing in the Perth Parrots floorball tournament for the last three years, and we are delighted that the salver is finally in our hands.

“Our pupils benefit greatly from the opportunit­y to participat­e in such an inclusive sport, and from the chance to engage positively with pupils from other schools.

“The tournament has become an important part of our annual calendar, allowing us to celebrate Purple Friday in a unique and meaningful way.”

He added: “We can’t wait until next year!’ Frazer Robertson is president of Perth Parrots.

He said: “Our club has establishe­d an excellent relationsh­ip with the two schools and the annual Purple Friday floorball tournament is something we look forward to hosting each year. “The tournament allows our club to continue showcase LGBTIQ+ sporting talent while challengin­g outdated and inaccurate perception­s.

“Ultimately for us, sport and its many benefits should be open to all.”

Frazer continued: “Thanks to funding from the Perth and Kinross Council Community Investment Fund, we were able to offer all participan­ts a bespoke Purple Friday t-shirt which was wellreceiv­ed by all.

“We build on the tournament each year and it is our hope that we encourage other schools across Perthshire to join us for next year’s event.”

Perth Parrots offers a safe and welcoming space for members of the LGBTIQ+ community and its allies.

The indoor sport itself is similar in style to ice hockey, without ice or skates, and see players use a ball rather than a puck.

PRISM is Perth High School’s LGBTIQ+ and ally group, which meets once a week at lunchtime and was started by pupils to facilitate opportunit­ies for support and friendship­s.

For more informatio­n on Perth Parrots, send and email to perthparro­ts@gmail. com.

The tournament has become an important part of out annual calendar

 ?? ?? Great effort Members of the PRISM Group at Perth High School proudly took ownership of the Purple Friday Salver
Great effort Members of the PRISM Group at Perth High School proudly took ownership of the Purple Friday Salver

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