Perthshire Advertiser

Kenny’s Ukraine work is hailed


A Perth man has received an award for his tireless work with a county charity which helping Ukraine.

The Rotary Club of Perth has presented the Cairncross Award to Kenny Simpson for his work with TASH4UKRAI­NE (Tayside and Strathearn Help for Ukraine).

The award is in recognitio­n of Kenny Simpson’s marvellous efforts through the charity in helping people in Ukraine, and Scotland, affected by the on-going conflict.

The organisati­on was formed by a group of five Polish and Scottish volunteers more than two years ago.

Perth Rotary Club president Bill Mcdonald said:“with experience in the military and of complex logistics Kenny was able to steer the charity as it grew in size and complexity.

“It collects donations from businesses and individual­s in local communitie­s all across Scotland through its large network of volunteers.

“It has sent an impressive 2500 pallets of donated items in 79 container trucks and 23 vans to Poland where they are decanted into smaller vehicles for transport over the border to Ukraine.

“All these and the donated household items have provided real and practical assistance to Ukrainians in the east and west of the country.”

Mr Simpson received an MBE in the 1990s for his work in the military.

He has worked with TASH4UKRAI­NE from the outset and has nominated the charity to receive the £250 cash award that goes along with the Cairncross Award quaich.

TASH4UKRAI­NE became a large organising and distributi­on hub based at Errol Airfield - provided by Morris Leslie Car Auction for free – with many volunteers working to receive, sort, box and load donations into containers for transport to Ukraine.

 ?? ?? Well done Kenneth Simpson accepting his award from Bill Mcdonald, president of Rotary Club of Perth
Well done Kenneth Simpson accepting his award from Bill Mcdonald, president of Rotary Club of Perth

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