Perthshire Advertiser

Stay safe team out on streets


An initiative to tackle anti-social behaviour took place in Perth city centre on Saturday, April 20.

Police Scotland officers were part of the Centresafe Perth scheme which included foot patrols as well as support and advice to licensed premises. Officers were supported by street pastors and were joined by Perth City Centre Conservati­ve councillor Chris Ahern.

Sergeant Scott Hebbourn said:“keeping the public safe is a priority, we want people to enjoy a night out but also have an awareness that anti-social behaviour causes misery in our communitie­s.

“We dealt with a number of incidents whereby groups were safely dispersed whilst a number of drivers were spoken to and the appropriat­e advice given.

“We work collaborat­ively with our partners to ensure Perth city centre is a safe and welcoming space for all.

“We will not tolerate any anti-social behaviour and officers will take robust action when required to do so”.

Councillor Ahern said his time spent with the police in the city centre had been an“eyeopener” adding“it showed what they have to face everyday, and many times, with limited resources.

“I was able to observe the Centresafe operation later in the shift which involved checking licensed premises.

“Police officers in the city centre monitored the nighttime economy, and any issues that arose. It is a very effective operation that delivers results.

“I was impressed impressed with the police’s handling of several incidents – and their response to other calls that came in outside of the Centresafe operation. ”

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