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Home care company on shortlist for awards

Staff praised for dedication


A Perth-based home care company which helps support elderly people across the region has been nominated for an impressive five awards for its work in the community.

Home Instead Perth has paid tribute to its dedicated staff following news the firm has made the shortlist for five accolades at both the s1jobs Awards and Care at Home and Housing Awards.

Home Instead provides a range of home care, including personal care, such as help with dressing and bathing, companions­hip and specialist dementia care, expanding care options and giving people an alternativ­e to moving into a care home if they need support.

The judges at the s1jobs Awards, which celebrates excellence in Scotland’s recruitmen­t sector, were impressed by Home Instead’s ‘Men in Care’ campaign, shortlisti­ng the business in the ‘Recruitmen­t Campaign of the Year’ category.

The campaign increased its male care profession­als by a quarter thanks to challengin­g the stereotype that care is ‘women’s work’ by getting coverage in local press and posting thoughtpro­voking content on social media.

The Care at Home and Housing Awards, run by Scottish Care, are also keen to recognise Home Instead’s achievemen­ts, putting it in the ‘Provider of the Year’ and ‘Learning and Developmen­t’ category shortlists.

The nomination­s acknowledg­e its place in the top 10 home care companies in Scotland on homecare., the sector’s official reviews website, with clients’ families praising the ‘firstclass care’ their loved ones receive.

Two employees at Home Instead have been nominated in the Care at Home and Housing Awards, recognisin­g the part they play in making exceptiona­l home care available in the community.

One of them is Lesley Ballingall, group managing director, who is nominated in the ‘Leadership Award’, having been an instrument­al in the ‘Men in Care’ campaign and showing that care is a worthwhile career route for anyone to take.

Another nominee is Elidh Mcisaac, scheduler at Home Instead, who is nominated in the ‘Care Coordinato­r of the Year’ category, crediting her personal touch when it comes to developing care plans, particular­ly for end of life clients who she ensures receive the utmost dignity.

Care involves the whole family, and Elidh supports clients’ loved ones at what can be a challengin­g time.

Suhail Rehman, owner of Home Instead Perthshire, said: “Awards season in Scotland is upon us, and we’re honoured to be part of it! The past few years has seen us expand our services and the area where we offer care.

“Our clients and care profession­als have grown, and it’s so touching to see more families with the desire for us to support their loved ones.

“I’m so proud of the fantastic team I have built. It’s the icing on the cake to see them nominated for awards like this!

“We look forward to donning our finest outfits and celebratin­g excellence in care and other sectors across Scotland. Wish us luck!”

Both awards ceremonies will be held this month.

For more informatio­n about Home Instead, including its career opportunit­ies and the home care services it provides, please call 01738 500397 or visit https:// www.homeinstea­ perthshire/

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 ?? ?? In the running Home Instead Perth has made the shortlist in five accolades at both the s1jobs Awards and Care at Home and Housing Awards
In the running Home Instead Perth has made the shortlist in five accolades at both the s1jobs Awards and Care at Home and Housing Awards

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