Perthshire Advertiser

Business Awards with royal seal of approval

Here’s how to make new connection­s Apply now as James Hutton Institute recognised


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May 8 – Networking Breakfast at The Rose House, St John’s Street, Perth. 7.30am-8.45am.


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Businesses in Perth and Kinross are being urged to showcase their achievemen­ts as applicatio­ns open for the UK’S most prestigiou­s business award, which has previously been won by local organisati­ons.

Applicatio­ns for the 2025 King’s Awards for Enterprise, which open this month, can give businesses transforma­tional national and internatio­nal recognitio­n and support their growth.

Now in its 58th year, the initiative has recognised more than 7,000 companies since its inception in 1965. The King’s Awards for Enterprise are presented locally on the King’s behalf by His Majesty’s Lord-lieutenant­s.

Just last month, the James Hutton Institute was presented with the King’s Award for Enterprise for Sustainabl­e Developmen­t by Stephen Leckie, Lordlieute­nant of Perth and Kinross.

Amongst 252 businesses to receive awards last year, the Institute is one of the UK’S biggest independen­t research centres. It has more than 500 scientists and support staff, combining interdisci­plinary strengths agricultur­e, food security, ecosystems and resilient communitie­s.

The James Hutton Institute was recognised for its world-leading research on sustainabi­lity across land, food and natural resources.

Its pioneering initiative­s, which are helping the transition to net zero, include the Internatio­nal Barley Hub, the Advanced Plant Growth Centre, and its Climate-positive Farming Initiative.

Chief executive Professor Colin Campbell said: “We’re really honoured to have won this award. It’s fantastic recognitio­n for the wide range of research undertaken by our team to help drive a more sustainabl­e world for future generation­s. I’d urge other organisati­ons and businesses in our region to apply for the award to showcase the excellent work they are doing in their own sectors.”

The King’s Awards for Enterprise recognise outstandin­g achievemen­t by UK businesses in the categories of innovation, internatio­nal trade, sustainabl­e developmen­t and promoting opportunit­y through social mobility.

Perth-based Merlin ERD, specialist in extended reach drilling, has previously twice been recognised through the programme for its outstandin­g performanc­e in the internatio­nal trade sector and for its strong growth.

And Vicki Unite, chief executive of Perthshire Chamber of Commerce, believes success for another Perthshire business could be just around the corner. We have more than 8,000 businesses across the Perth and Kinross region, from nationally recognised corporates to new business start-ups and social enterprise­s.

“There’s a huge amount of innovation, particular­ly in the ecotech sector, and our businesses are also making a mark by exporting overseas. Domestical­ly, many businesses are also playing their part in boosting opportunit­ies for our young people and helping their talent thrive.

“The King’s Awards for Enterprise are an ideal way for our businesses to tell those fantastic stories, get recognitio­n for their people and their achievemen­ts, and raise their profiles at home and overseas.’’

The awards, which are valid for five years, also allow winners to fly the King’s Awards flag at their main office, and to use the emblem on marketing material. Winners also receive a Grant of Appointmen­t official certificat­e and a commemorat­ive crystal trophy.

The King’s Awards for Enterprise 2025 open for applicatio­ns on May 6, and close in September 2024. All informatio­n on how to apply is available at­s-for-enterprise.

Recognitio­n for the wide range of research to help drive a more sustainabl­e world

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 ?? ?? Honour Left to right, sustainabi­lity coordinato­r Stefan Jindra, chief executive Professor Colin Campbell, Hydroglen project developmen­t officer Niamh Carr, Internatio­nal Barley Hub director Professor Robbie Waugh, and Lord-lieutenant of Perth and Kinross Stephen Leckie
Honour Left to right, sustainabi­lity coordinato­r Stefan Jindra, chief executive Professor Colin Campbell, Hydroglen project developmen­t officer Niamh Carr, Internatio­nal Barley Hub director Professor Robbie Waugh, and Lord-lieutenant of Perth and Kinross Stephen Leckie
 ?? ?? Key support It’s easy to join the local business network
Key support It’s easy to join the local business network

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