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Community group help struggling school kids


A Highland Perthshire charity has raised £40,000 in recent years which has helped families who are struggling financiall­y.

The Upper Tay Anti-poverty Support Group was set up during the pandemic, covering Logierait, Ballinluig, Grandtully, Aberfeldy, Dull and Weem.

According to the Perth and Kinross Community Planning local child poverty action report 2022/23, 5,914 children (21.9 per cent) in Perth and Kinross are living in relative poverty.

Of the £40,000 raised by the group £5000 has come from the Enchanted Forest Community Trust fund.

Breadalban­e Academy schoolchil­dren are among those who have been able to benefit from the financial support offered by the group.

Breakfasts are provided for pupils who aren’t able to get it at home, as well as family food vouchers and spare PE kit.

Breadalban­e Academy principal teacher of support Anna Glover said: “The funds provided by the Upper Tay Anti-poverty Support Group has helped us to support pupils at the start of the school day, ensuring they receive a good breakfast to set them up ready for learning.

“They have basically helped us to enable pupils to attend school, by providing essential items such as school uniform that some families cannot afford.

“For instance, pupils can help themselves to clothes for PE out of a PE locker we have at school.

“There are no questions asked and pupils do not have to suffer the stigma of not having the appropriat­e school uniform. We are very grateful for their support.”

The Upper Tay Anti-poverty working group includes representa­tives from local churches, schools, the community warden, and other support groups such as Christians Against Poverty and Breathe Youth Project.

The group meets regularly to determine where the money should go.

They have also raised funds to provide laptops for Ukrainians in Highland Perthshire and recently held a bringand-buy sale for flood victims living in Ballinluig, raising over £2300.

The Enchanted Forest Community Trust executive director Nela Popovic said: “We’re delighted to have been able to support the Upper Tay Anti-poverty Support Group with finance which has really been making a difference to those most in need in the Highland Perthshire area.

“Our desire is that the Enchanted Forest Community Fund is a force for good, creating a lasting positive impact and legacy within the community in which the event has called its home for the last twenty-plus years.”

The Enchanted Forest Community Trust has now launched its 2024 Community Fund and is accepting applicatio­ns from registered charities and community interest companies (CICS) in the Highland Perthshire area.

For an applicatio­n visit: www. enchantedf­

Completed forms should be returned no later than March 31.

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 ?? ?? Support Breadalban­e Academy schoolchil­dren are among those who have been able to benefit from the financial support
Support Breadalban­e Academy schoolchil­dren are among those who have been able to benefit from the financial support

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