Perthshire Advertiser

Conversati­on, cake and bunting at Blairgowri­e community gathering


Community groups came together recently to mark Internatio­nal Women’s Day in Blairgowri­e.

The St Catharine’s Church Hall in George Street was the venue for a special event on Saturday, March 9, co-hosted by Blairgowri­e Internatio­nal Cafe and local members of Soroptimis­ts Internatio­nal Perth.

The Internatio­nal Cafe supplied the venue, while the Soroptimis­ts commission­ed a cake created by a locally-based baker.

Internatio­nal Cafe member Andy Scott explained he had a chat “with the right person, in the right place, at the right time” and organised last-minute support from the Co-op in the form of additional cake, as well as an activity pack – including ideas for discussion, making bunting and entering the supermarke­t’s

Internatio­nal Women’s Day competitio­n to win £100 for the group.

There was also a history display including photos of women from around the world marking the day.

Other groups represente­d on the day included Blairgowri­e’s Nest Creative Spaces, the Women’s Walk and Talk Group, Blairgowri­e Ukuleles and St Catharine’s Church.

Gina Purrmann, of Blairgowri­e Internatio­nal Cafe, said: “What a lovely afternoon, full of chatter and fun.

“And we all enjoyed meeting women from other groups in town.”

Gameeda Barnard, of Soroptimis­ts Internatio­nal Perth, declared: “In every part of the world, women continue to face barriers to their full participat­ion in society.

“Whether its unequal access to education, limited economic opportunit­ies or systemic violence – the challenges are real and multi-faceted.

“As we commemorat­e Internatio­nal Women’s Day, let us reaffirm our commitment to gender equality and pledge to take action to create a future where every woman and girl can realise her full potential.”

In addition, Nest Creative Spaces hosted an all-day drop in.

Janine Seymour, of the Women’s Walk and Talk Group, explained: “Members made bunting at Nest while singing along to a special rendition of ‘Lean on Me’, adapted for Internatio­nal Women’s Day by the Blairgowri­e Ukuleles group.

“They also discussed the Co-op conversati­on starters, particular­ly about inclusion and the challenges which might be an obstacle to a woman achieving her goals.”

Internatio­nal Women’s Day itself took place on Friday last week.

• Pictures by: Nick Charles.

 ?? ?? Support A number of men showed their support on the day
Support A number of men showed their support on the day

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