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Seamab is praised for changes Progressma­deafterins­pection


A independen­t complex and additional support needs school in Kinross-shire has made “progress” and a series of improvemen­ts following a follow up inspection by an education watchdog.

In a published letter, Education Scotland highlighte­d how the Seamab School has made positive changes including increasing the range of education, improving pupil engagement, and an upsurge in attainment across literacy and numeracy.

The letter also adds that staff are improving how they evidence and recognise children’s achievemen­ts and are “beginning to support learners to recognise and celebrate the skills they are developing from learning outdoors”.

The positive U-turn comes after inspectors previously visited the Rumbling Bridgebase­d charity - which provides residentia­l care and education for children and young people between the age of five to 18 from across Scotland - in June 2023.

Inspectors came to the conclusion that the school needed “additional support” and more time to make “necessary improvemen­ts”, rating the institutio­n as ‘weak’ in both categories assessed: learning, teaching and assessment; and raising attainment and achievemen­t.

Inspectors did note back then that staff have establishe­d a “caring school culture” with children and young people being “valued” and enjoying going to school.

However, a number of areas for improvemen­t were identified and discussed with the Seamab chief executive, the head teacher and representa­tives from the board of trustees.

And after the followup inspection, Education Scotland published a further inspection letter, which summarised: “Seamab School has made some progress since the original inspection.

“We will liaise with Seamab regarding the school’s capacity to improve.

“We will return to carry out a further inspection of the school within nine months of the publicatio­n of this letter.

“We will discuss with Seamab the details of this inspection.

“When we return to inspect the school we will write to you as parents/ carers informing you of the progress the school has made.”

The Kinross-shire charity is currently in the midst of a fundraisin­g campaign to raise £5.5 million to build a new school.

The ambitious plans include a gym hall to enable indoor football for the Scottish winters.

Scottish rugby legend Chris Paterson, who is Seamab’s official ambassador, and Olympic basketball star Kieron Achara have backed the campaign.

A Seamab spokespers­on previously said: “We are passionate about giving each of our pupils access to as wide a range of opportunit­ies as possible to see where their interests and talents lie.

“These new school facilities will be central to achieving that aim.”

Seamab spokespers­on

 ?? ?? Progress Seamab School hastaken steps to address concerns in the report by Education Scotland
Progress Seamab School hastaken steps to address concerns in the report by Education Scotland

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