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Proud curlers add names to illustriou­s list of past winners


Curlers Laura Watt and Holly Wilkie-milne spoke of their‘honour’at being named joint winners of the Perth and Kinross Sports Personalit­y of theyear award.

The multi trophy-winning pair were celebrated at the 34th Perth and Kinross Sports Awards at Perth Art Gallery last Friday.

Laura, of Auchterard­er, and Holly, of Perth, won gold with Team Henderson at the World Junior Curling Championsh­ips in March before retaining their Scottish Junior title in November.

They were shortliste­d for the main award along with Perth Strathay Harrier track star Lois Garland, and carry on the region’s tradition of celebratin­g curling greats with Eve Muirhead having received the award on four occasions.

Laura (19) said:“i am so honoured to have won.

“I took a look at the names that were engraved of the previous winners and felt proud - with a hint of disbelief - that I had been presented with the same award that Eve Muirhead and Laura Muir have won, which is just an incredible feeling.

“These athletes are ones that I have looked up to, so to join them on this trophy means a lot.

“Being joint winners with Holly does feel right.

“It would have been unfair if one of us had won the award without the other because we are a team.

“Well done to Lois Garland on a fantastic season and for being a SPOTY finalist.”

She added:“without all the coaches help behind the scenes, we simply could not achieved what we did.

“Thanks to Colin Morrison, David Aitken and others who supported us last season. “The same goes for my family.”

Holly (20) added:“it’s an honour to be named Sports Personalit­y of theyear, especially knowing all of the exceptiona­l athletes who have won this award .

“It’s special to win alongside my teammate, as we have trained and competed together — Laura is fantastic.

“Curling is also a relatively small sport, and it is fantastic to get the word out there and put Perth on the map as a centre for curling excellence — alongside Teams Lockhart (who won the Team prize) and Connall (finalists).

“I would like to thank all of the support from British Curling in facilitati­ng my pathway to turning profession­al.

“And I would love to thank my mum. She was my first ever coach and is still my sounding board for all things curling.

“Also to my dad and grandparen­ts for their support in pursuing my sporting dreams, and my friends for putting up with it takes a village!”

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