Perthshire Advertiser

Loss of bus trips ‘unacceptab­le’



Recently, Stagecoach announced proposed timetable changes that would see significan­t cuts to their services across Perthshire.

To say that these proposals have caused significan­t unrest would be an understate­ment. Already, I have received hundreds of emails on this very topic.

These changes, which are due to be introduced on April 29, would be a hammer blow to public transport across my constituen­cy.

Particular­ly impacted will be my constituen­ts living in Bertha Park and the Carse of Gowrie.

I have hosted public meetings on this subject in Bertha Park, Errol, Invergowri­e and St Madoes, with hundreds of constituen­ts attending to voice their concerns.

The proposed changes to the 16 service will be particular­ly damaging for my constituen­ts in the Carse.

This service is the only bus that provides links between the villages, and which connects the villages and isolated properties to Perth and Dundee.

The alternativ­e services that are available on the A90, such as the Flixbus or Citylink buses, provide some connectivi­ty to communitie­s such as Inchture but provide no connectivi­ty to most of the other villages. They are therefore not a credible replacemen­t for services that may be lost.

The implicatio­ns of the loss of the 16 service are profound.

For people who are working, the reductions proposed would make it impossible for many of them to sustain their employment – with the 16 service being their only means of reaching their place of work.

I have spoken personally to dozens of people who have indicated that they would lose their employment if the changes were made.

Staff involved in key public service roles in healthcare and education are likely to be significan­tly impacted by these proposals.

Young people in the Carse rely on the bus service to access school, college and university.

Given the proposed implementa­tion date of April 29, young people accessing schools to sit their National Qualificat­ion exams will be limited to using the school bus service, which often does not get pupils to school on time for the start of exams and also provides no flexibilit­y if a young person is on study leave and has an exam later in the day.

Many older people in the Carse who are no longer able to drive have correctly highlighte­d that the loss of this service will impact their ability to attend healthcare appointmen­ts, see friends and family and go out to the shops.

In short, the cuts will increase social isolation and have a potentiall­y negative effect on their health.

To compound matters, it will make it more difficult for carers to access the village to provide support for vulnerable members of the public.

I am clear that the changes proposed to the services within my constituen­cy are simply unacceptab­le and require an immediate rethink.

I am also very concerned that Stagecoach has not undertaken any significan­t public consultati­on on this matter.

I am in dialogue with Stagecoach and I am putting to them directly the concerns that have been raised with me.

I will continue to work hard on this matter and do all that I can to highlight the damage their proposed changes would inflict upon my constituen­ts.

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 ?? ?? Transport Part of the Stagecoach depot in Perth
Transport Part of the Stagecoach depot in Perth

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