Perthshire Advertiser

Region is ‘losing out’ on fair fund allocation £5mawardedf­orlevellin­gup


Perth and Kinross will get cash amounting to £5million, it was announced in this week’s spring budget.

But council leader Grant Laing of the SNP – pointing to six other Scottish cities receiving a total of £92m in Levelling Up money to date – said the local authority had been “short changed”.

The leader of the Conservati­ve group on the council John Duff however said the money showed the UK Government’s commitment to the region.

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt made the capital funding announceme­nt on Wednesday to support Perth and Kinross culture and regenerati­on projects.

The council’s regional director of economy, place and learning Alison Williams said: “We submitted two strong bids to the Levelling Up Fund and while we were disappoint­ed these were not successful, we are pleased the UK Government has recognised the value of our plans to regenerate our town centres and economy for the benefit of all our residents and visitors to Perth and Kinross.”

Mr Laing commented: “I welcome any funding that can be used to support the transforma­tion of the Perth and Kinross economy for the benefit of our residents.

“While I am pleased the Chancellor has finally recognised the value of investing in Perth and Kinross, it does seem like we are an afterthoug­ht and are losing out compared to other Scottish cities’ Levelling Up funding. The three rounds of Levelling Up funding distribute­d in Scotland saw £471m shared between 24 projects.

“Six other Scottish cities have shared funding worth a combined £92m while seven other towns have received £20m to support the regenerati­on of their town centres.

“Given those sums, I won’t be the only one who thinks we have been short-changed and hope we are not forgotten in any future funding announceme­nts.”

Conservati­ve candidate for the new Perth and Kinross-shire constituen­cy Luke Graham said: “This £5m of levelling up funding is a welcome addition to Perth and Kinross-shire.

“How it will be spent is to be determined, so I hope the council will work with all councillor­s and community groups to develop plans.

“People are incredibly disappoint­ed with 20 years of SNP rule in Perth & Kinross-shire, which has left our city and town centres struggling and now facing proposed cuts to our health and leisure facilities.”

Leader of the Scottish Conservati­ves on Perth and Kinross Council John Duff added: “This is a welcome investment into Perth and Kinross, Luke has worked with local councillor­s to understand council needs and we have worked as a team to push the case locally and nationally.

“This shows the UK Government’s commitment to Perth and Kinross-shire and hope more public and private funding will follow.”

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 ?? ?? Disappoint­ed Council leader Grant Laing thinks Perth and Kinross has been ‘short changed’
Disappoint­ed Council leader Grant Laing thinks Perth and Kinross has been ‘short changed’

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