Perthshire Advertiser

Drop-in surgery on Dunkeld banking


Murdo Fraser MSP will be holding a drop-in surgery to discuss the future of banking in Dunkeld.

The Scottish Conservati­ve politician decided to arrange the surgery after being contacted by a number of local residents who have concerns about the availabili­ty of banking services in Dunkeld, following the recent closure of the Bank of Scotland branch there.

Mr Fraser said:“i have decided to run this drop-in surgery in Birnam in light of the number of concerns from local residents about the future of banking in Dunkeld. Although the ATM at the Bank of Scotland in Dunkeld still operates for the time being, I understand that it is the intention of the bank to remove this facility in due course.

“I understand the concerns that have been raised with me about the lack of banking facilities in Dunkeld. This has a particular impact on older and more vulnerable local residents who may be uncomforta­ble with online banking facilities. In addition, the provision of an ATM is important for those who prefer to use cash, including tourists, in an environmen­t where the visitor spend is particular­ly important to the local economy.”

Mr Fraser continued:“we have seen more and more towns and villages lose their bank branches in recent years. While I understand part of the reason for this has been the advance of online banking, not everyone has access to a computer or is able to do online banking on the likes of their mobile phone. Bank branches are often a lifeline for residents, particular­ly elderly people, so it is important that we discuss any concerns residents have on this important matter.”

Mr Fraser’s drop-in surgery will be held on Friday, March 15, in the Birnam Arts Centre, from 11am to noon. No appointmen­t is necessary. Alternativ­ely, if residents are unable to attend they can contact

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