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Muir wins a bronze – nine years after race


Milnathort track star Laura Muir admits there are “mixed emotions” after another medal was added to her impressive collection - nine years on from the race.

The former Kinross High student had finished in fourth place in the women’s 3000m at the 2015 European Indoors in the Czech Republic.

But European Athletics has now confirmed that there will be a reallocati­on of medals after race winner Yelena Korobkina had been found guilty of doping offences.

The Russian athlete has been banned for four years - from September 2023 - and will have her results expunged for a period of three years (from July 2013 to July 2016).

Muir will now receive a newly-issued bronze medal with gold for Sviatlana Kudzelich of Belarus and silver for Maureen Koster of Holland.

“Hearing the news that I will be receiving a championsh­ip medal almost a decade after the race itself is one of mixed emotions,” Muir explained to Scottish Athletics.

“Predominan­tly I feel very fortunate and grateful to receive the bronze medal, particular­ly when still competing at an elite level, as I am aware many athletes are not afforded that opportunit­y.

“Had I received the medal on the day of the race in Prague in 2015, it would have been my first senior internatio­nal medal at an age of 21 years old.

“Missing out on that special moment, especially as I was not on the podium on the night, was very difficult. But looking back it made me more determined than ever to ensure the same outcome didn’t happen for future championsh­ips. Which luckily has been the case.”

Muir went on to add: “I would like to say a massive thank you to all those involved in the process which results in the medal now being awarded to me.

“I cannot emphasise or explain how much it means to the athletes to have the results rectified and the medals awarded to those who compete within the rules of our sport.

“So I am very excited to see that particular European

Indoors 2015 medal and it will have a proud place alongside my other sporting accomplish­ments.”

A reallocate­d medal ceremony will be arranged to try and give due acknowledg­ement of the achievemen­t.

The 2015 Euro Indoor bronze means Muir currently holds the impressive tally of 14 significan­t podium moments across Worlds, European, Commonweal­th and Olympics (plus two further Diamond League victories).

It also means Muir has claimed an internatio­nal medal every year from 2015 to 2023 with the exception of 2016 and the Covid-hit 2020.

It will have a proud place alongside my other sporting accomplish­ments

 ?? ?? Superstar Muir holds the impressive tally of 14 significan­t podium moments
Superstar Muir holds the impressive tally of 14 significan­t podium moments

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