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Passenger threatened to behead officers


A man who threatened to behead police officers and wage a vendetta against their families has been jailed for three months.

Bradley Forsyth lashed out when officers turned up to deal with a disturbanc­e caused by him and his partner on a train as it arrived in Perth.

Forsyth, 32, threatened to murder officers during a sustained rant after they arrested him and were transporti­ng him to police HQ in Dundee.

He admitted breaching the peace by shouting and swearing and making threats towards police officers and their families at Perth Railway Station and in a police van on March 19, 2022.

Fiscal Sam Craib told Perth Sheriff Court: “Police were asked to attend an ongoing disturbanc­e on a train.

“Staff had asked for the accused to be removed.

“Police boarded the train.

“Outside the station he became increasing­ly abusive, was warned about his behaviour, but it escalated.

“He shouted and swore and made threats to police.”

Forsyth shouted: “See when your missus is getting slashed.

“You better hope I don’t go through this door because I’ll murder you.

“I’ll start a personal vendetta against your whole family, your sister and mother.

“Is that what you want?

“I’ll slash the head right off you.”

Solicitor Jim Laverty, defending, said: “He has asked me to apologise profusely to the officers involved.

“He is ashamed and remorseful about his behaviour.”

Mr Laverty said Forsyth, from Dundee, kicked off at the railway station because his partner was being arrested - legitimate­ly - on an outstandin­g warrant that she had not told him about.

He added: “The police used reasonable force to arrest his partner, but it appeared to Mr Forsyth that police were being a little over-zealous in their attempts to quell her behaviour.

“He also became somewhat disagreeab­le with the police.

“He had been drinking. Alcohol abuse is at the base of his behaviour.

“His record does him no credit.”

The court was told Forsyth was working for home improvemen­ts company Riverview and would be able to return to his job after completing his prison sentence.

Sheriff Garry Sutherland jailed Forsyth and said: “This was very unpleasant language and very unpleasant behaviour.”

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Bradley Forsyth lashed out at Perth Railway Station, also below
Violent Bradley Forsyth lashed out at Perth Railway Station, also below
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