Perthshire Advertiser

Race wins award for environmen­tal care



Brassingto­n (09) 35pts, S Bruce (09) 34pts.

Division 2 - G M Smith (20) 35pts, R Hands (15) 35pts, G Clark (14) 34pts.

The success of the Aberfeldy Middle Distance Triathlon was recognised at the recent Scottish Sports Awards.

The Perthshire event was heralded for organiser’s efforts to reduce its environmen­tal impact, taking home the Sustainabi­lity in Scottish Sport Award.

As one of the longest-running triathlon events in the country, it has has been enjoyed by athletes for over 25 years.

Having continuall­y evolved since that first race in 1997, it is now part of the hugely successful Aberfeldy Multi Sport Festival, that includes trail running and open water swimming.

The event sees athletes complete a 1900m swim and 80km bike before finishing with a half marathon run.

Locally supplied trophies and catering, and a removal of single-use plastic cups, are just some of the changes that were made this year to improve the sustainabi­lity of the event.

Reflecting on the win, event director Richard Pearson said: “We were so pleased to be nominated for this award and still can’t quite believe that we have actually won.

“We are so conscious of the beautiful places where the race takes place, that we felt we must take steps to improve the event’s sustainabi­lity and reduce its environmen­tal impact.

“The whole team work with a sustainabl­e ethos and they have really embraced that.

“It has been a great evening where the success of individual­s, events, schools, clubs, and teams across the whole of

Scottish sport were honoured.

“It’s really humbling to be a part of that.” Hosted by Team Scotland and sportscotl­and, the ceremony was held at the Glasgow Science Centre on December 7.

Guests were treated to a night of celebratio­n and a chance to revel in the stories and moments of the year on the biggest screen in Scotland, as well as rubbing shoulders with the great and the good of Scottish Sport.

Proceeds from the night will be donated to the Team Scotland Youth Trust.

 ?? ?? Superb effort The Aberfeldy Middle Distance Triathlon, August 22, with runners participat­ing in the third stage of the challenge passing Breadalban­e Community Campus in Aberfeldy and (inset) Richard Pearson from Aberfeldy Middle Distance Triathlon with the Sustainabi­lity in Scotland Sports Awards
Superb effort The Aberfeldy Middle Distance Triathlon, August 22, with runners participat­ing in the third stage of the challenge passing Breadalban­e Community Campus in Aberfeldy and (inset) Richard Pearson from Aberfeldy Middle Distance Triathlon with the Sustainabi­lity in Scotland Sports Awards MAIN PICTURE: IMACIMAGES PHOTOGRAPH­Y

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