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Inspectors praise primary school


A recent inspection of Abernyte Primary School by Education Scotland has praised the school for a range of strengths.

Inspectors visited the institutio­n in October 2023 and assessed its work, evaluating the school as very good on four key quality indicators – leadership of change; learning, teaching and assessment; ensuring wellbeing, quality and inclusion; and raising attainment and achievemen­t.

The report, published on December 12, notes that children at Abernyte Primary School were “polite, confident and keen to contribute”, and “engage very well and are proud” of sharing their learning and achievemen­ts, such as their knowledge of nature and the environmen­t.

Inspectors also praised the “extremely effective” leadership of the headteache­r and the work of their staff to create an inclusive, collaborat­ive culture in the school, with an ongoing focus on wellbeing and improvemen­t.

The school was also considered to be delivering high-quality learning experience­s that led to equally high levels of attainment and achievemen­t.

Inspectors have made one recommenda­tion for continued improvemen­t to the school and Perth and Kinross Council – to further extend the existing strong partnershi­p working arrangemen­ts through links with other schools to support aspects of children’s learning to help them “achieve maximum success”.

An Education Scotland spokespers­on summarised: “We are confident that the school has the capacity to continue to improve and so we will make no more visits in connection with this inspection.

“Perth and Kinross Council will inform parents/carers about the school’s progress as part of its arrangemen­ts for reporting on the quality of its schools.”

Councillor John Rebbeck, convener of learning, said: “This is a very positive report and shows the whole school is committed to doing its very best.”

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