Perthshire Advertiser

Reflecting on achievemen­ts

Trust also to look to future at 2023 AGM


Blairgowri­e and Rattray Developmen­t Trust (BRDT) is to hold its AGM next week.

The meeting, now to be held from 6pm on Wednesday, December 20, at Rattray Bowling Club in Middle Road, was previously scheduled to have taken place in October after a showcase event highlighti­ng the work community groups and organisati­ons are doing in the east Perthshire town.

However, both events were cancelled due to extreme weather conditions at the time.

As well as the formal business, which will include reports by BRDT’S chair and the treasurer and the election of trustees, there will also be an update on the new structure of organisati­on, which has been in developmen­t for a number of months, and an outline of the Trust’s plans for 2024.

The AGM is open to members of the public – although only members of the Trust can vote on any decisions.

There is a proposed change to the Trust’s Articles to amend membership from £5 for life to annual membership for those who agree with the aims of the Trust, with fees set annually by the Trust’s directors.

To keep the membership list up-todate, it is proposed for membership to be renewed annually.

This will also allow people to join the Trust at the AGM should they wish to.

Existing members for life will remain members for life or until they opt out.

Teresa Donaldson, the current chair of BRDT, is looking forward to the meeting.

She said: “We were disappoint­ed to have to cancel the town event and our

AGM in October due to the extreme weather but it was absolutely the right decision to have taken at the time; people’s safety is paramount.

“We are currently looking at possible options for re-arranging the town event in the spring next year but, in the meantime, we will be holding our AGM on Wednesday, December 20, and would encourage as many people as possible to join us for that.

“It is a great opportunit­y for folk to come along, get an update on what is happening and let us know their thoughts. We are keen to guage levels of interest in possibly taking on the public toilets in Blairgowri­e for example.

“BRDT’S work is led by the community for the community – we work with and support local people, community groups, businesses and the local authority to help create a thriving and attractive town, with a strong sense of community and identity, appealing to those who live, work and visit Blairgowri­e and Rattray.

“We also have a number of core projects that we lead on, including the HEAT Project, Booklore, the BARI Food

Project and Rattray Community Garden which aim to contribute to improving the environmen­tal sustainabi­lity of the town for the benefit of all.

“At the AGM we will look back over what has been achieved over the last 12 months and ahead to what is coming up over the next 12. And we would be delighted if as many people as possible came along to find out more.”

Teresa continued: “Groups and organisati­ons often see a change in personnel around the time of their AGMS, and this year BRDT is no exception.

“Two of our long-standing trustees have stood down – Linda Retson, who coordinate­s Booklore, the pre-loved book shop run by BRDT, and William Wilson, who has been instrument­al in the developmen­t of the new Rattray Community Garden. Community engagement officer Sam Stewart has also decided to step down.

“We would like to take this opportunit­y to thank Linda, William and Sam for all the good work they have done on behalf of the Trust and for the wider community – their dedication, time, effort and commitment to Blairgowri­e and Rattray are great examples of what makes our town such a wonderful place to live and work in.

“We have also welcomed a new trustee to the board recently, Linda Tait. Linda grew up in Canada, has lived most of her adult life in London and Hertfordsh­ire and spent 40 years as a retail and hospitalit­y designer, before moving to Blairgowri­e last year. Her experience, energy and enthusiasm are going to be a great asset to BRDT and we are looking forward to working with her.”

For more informatio­n on BRDT, email admin@discoverbl­

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Meeting BRDT’S Teresa Donaldson

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