Perthshire Advertiser

New rates relief scheme agreed


Perth and Kinross councillor­s have unanimousl­y agreed a new nondomesti­c rates relief scheme which will come into effect from April 1, 2024 and should generate around £500,000.

The scheme was agreed - but only after a vote to speed up proceeding­s at a Perth and Kinross Council (PKC) meeting ultimately seemed to slow things down.

Councillor­s took the decision on Wednesday, December 6 incorporat­ing an amendment allocating additional monies - which are not used to help support the revised scheme - on protecting business growth and economic developmen­t.

It is hoped the new scheme will bring empty properties back into use.

Under the terms of the revised scheme 100 per cent relief will continue to be awarded on an unlimited basis to unoccupied lands and heritages where:

• a trustee is in sequestrat­ion, liquidatio­n etc

• it cannot be occupied by law

• it is under a compulsory purchase order

• the owner is in administra­tion (or subject to an administra­tion order)

• the owner is a company or partnershi­p being wound up

• a shooting right not used for commercial activity.

However, for all other unoccupied lands and heritages, 100 per cent relief will be awarded for a maximum of six months with full non-domestic rates charged thereafter.

Tabling it for approval, SNP council leader Cllr Laing said: “The devolving of these non-domestic rates reliefs to us today makes good on the commitment by the Scottish Government to provide more powers to councils.

“As local councillor­s, we are better placed to know what is best for our communitie­s and what they need.

“For too long, non-domestic properties across Perth and Kinross have sat empty – many falling into further states of disrepair.

“The proposals before us today are a sensible and pragmatic approach.”

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