Perthshire Advertiser

Milestone performanc­es from Burgh’s premier acting team


Aberfeldy Drama Club has marked 50 glorious years of entertaini­ng with a show in Aberfeldy Town Hall over three nights last week.

As the curtain rose on December 7, the first of the celebratio­n evenings, Aberfeldy Drama Club embarked on a journey through time - bringing to life the highlights of its five decades of existence.

From earlier production­s to performanc­es of recent years, the anniversar­y show was a nostalgic yet forward-looking celebratio­n.

The younger members are seen here doing a routine from The Sound of Music.

Showcasing the club’s versatilit­y and commitment to community, the anniversar­y show was a carefully curated medley of drama, comedy, and musical performanc­es, with an intergener­ational cast of more than 40 members.

President and ADC leader of many years, David Roy said:“at the heart of the club’s success is the strong sense of community that has sustained its success.

“The incredible talent within the Aberfeldy community is evident through the costumes, makeup, lighting, music and scenery, with many of the members who donate their skills having worked backstage in profession­al theatre.

“No celebratio­n of this magnitude would be complete without honouring the visionarie­s who laid the foundation for the club.

“Founding members, directors, and long-standing contributo­rs were recognised for their dedication and passion, with special tributes woven into the fabric of the anniversar­y production.

“Aberfeldy Drama Club brings together generation­s of locals who are avid supporters of community theatre. With a legacy built on passion, talent, and community spirit, the club looks toward the future, ready to continue its journey of enriching the cultural tapestry of this special Scottish town for many years to come.”

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