Perthshire Advertiser

Urgent call for help as 60 risk losing homes

Worrying number at risk of homelessne­ss in Perthshire


Scotland’s largest provider of homeless support services, Simon Community Scotland (SCS), is currently working with 60 people in North Perthshire and Perth who are at risk of losing their homes.

It’s urgently asking for donations to assist with its aim to prevent homelessne­ss in Perthshire and beyond.

The Perth Tenancy Support Service covers housing needs, financial aid and mental health support, often in a time of crisis.

They are focused on tenancy sustainmen­t which plays a vital role in the prevention of homelessne­ss.

SCS is busy linking Perth locals to the right services to help them resolve the issues they are facing, ensuring they can continue to live safely and confidentl­y in their own home.

John, a 52-year-old client with SCS from Perth, explained his experience of sleeping rough and later finding a better solution.

“I’ve slept on the streets of Perth many times. I’ve been pretty chaotic, difficult to deal with. Everyone gave up on me,” he said.

“But the one organisati­on who kept checking in on me was Simon Community Scotland. They kept checking in on me and offering support. Now I’m in my own home and they still check in on me.

“I don’t want to go back to the streets. Now I have a part-time job and I have the support I need. Just as important, I recognise I need support and I’m engaged.

“Thanks to Simon

Community Scotland I now have a safe place, a safe home.”

Tracy Orr, head of service in Perthshire, said: “Working with up to 60 people at a time, we form a necessary and needed service in the Perthshire community.

“Our role is diverse and we cater for housing needs, financial aid and mental health support for our clients.

“The service is very much needed here in the Perth region and staff take great care over the wellbeing of the people that we support.

“The wellbeing of the people we support is where we start and end. Getting the best outcome for each person – making them feel safe and secure, promoting independen­ce, health and wellbeing – whatever their circumstan­ces, are our aims.”

SCS has an emergency winter appeal called ‘A Safe Place’. The organisati­on is aiming to raise £200,000 this year with funds directed straight to people being supported through their Perth Tenancy Support Services, plus Access Hubs in Glasgow and Edinburgh, SCS Homes, Outreach and Accommodat­ion Services and Street Teams.

Following the announceme­nt that more cities across Scotland are facing a housing emergency, and amid ongoing cost of living challenges, Simon Community Scotland has written an open letter to businesses around Perth calling for support.

Lorraine Mcgrath, chief executive at Simon Community Scotland, said: “The winter months are particular­ly hard and we’re doing all we can to help.

“But we need support from businesses across Perth to allow us to keep people safe and supported this winter, through Christmas and beyond.

“We urgently need donations to our emergency winter appeal to cope with an increasing demand for our services. From employee fundraisin­g, volunteeri­ng and charity partnershi­ps, we’re keen to work with as many local businesses as possible.

“Our Street Teams and hub staff are on the frontline, delivering support to as many people as possible. We have seen an increase in the number of people sleeping rough and visiting our hubs.”

To help visit https://www. asafeplace

 ?? ?? Support Simon Community Scotland (SCS)’S Perth Tenancy Support Service covers housing needs, financial aid and mental health support, often in a time of crisis
Support Simon Community Scotland (SCS)’S Perth Tenancy Support Service covers housing needs, financial aid and mental health support, often in a time of crisis

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