Perthshire Advertiser

60 at risk of losing homes


A homeless support service currently working with 60 people in North Perthshire and Perth who are at risk of losing their homes - has issued an urgent appeal for donations.

Simon Community Scotland (SCS) is busy linking Perth locals to the right services to help them resolve the issues they are facing, ensuring they can continue to live safely and confidentl­y in their own home.

Tracy Orr from SCS, based in Perthshire ,said:“the service is very much needed here in the Perth region and staff take great care over the wellbeing of the people that we support.”

John, a 52-year-old client with SCS from Perth explained his experience of sleeping rough and later finding a better solution.

“I’ve slept on the streets of Perth many times. I’ve been pretty chaotic, difficult to deal with. Everyone gave up on me.

“I don’t want to go back to the streets.”

A £30 million masterplan to transform a luxury hotel just outside Perth has been given the go ahead.

Perth and Kinross Council gave permission in principle for Murrayshal­l Country Estate owners Stellar Murrayshal­l LLP to add 50 rooms to the hotel, a new spa and leisure facility, up to 89 holiday units and other facilities.

Murrayshal­l general manager Gary Silcock (pictured right) said: “Our vision is clear, to transform Murrayshal­l into a thriving, year-round destinatio­n of quality, value, and sustainabi­lity and provide Perth with the opportunit­y to address a much-needed requiremen­t of another fourstar hotel.”

However many locals expressed concern about losing so much green belt land and the impact on biodiversi­ty. There were 217 objections and 55 letters of support.

Opposing the plans, Cllr Bob Brawn was concerned that approving the whole developmen­t was “signing a blank cheque” on green belt land.

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 ?? ?? Objections Concerns were raised about green belt impact
Objections Concerns were raised about green belt impact

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