National Geographic Traveller (UK) - Food



Imagine learning that a friend or colleague routinely ate the same lunch or dinner, day after day, week after week? At best you’d think they were missing out; at worst, in need of some sort of interventi­on.

But breakfast is different. Of the three main meals, it’s the only one for which repetition is indulged. Admit to consuming the same bowl of cereal, pastry or Pret muffin every morning and no one will judge you. After all, breakfast is simply fuel, right? And options are often limited, whether by time, appetite or the corridor of one’s commute.

Routines, however, are often ripe for reconsider­ation. Surely, I’m not alone in wanting to do things differentl­y once normality returns? Lockdown seems to have bred in many of us a desire to shake things up. And where better to start than at the very beginning?

So, as soon as I’m able, I’m going to visit that Vietnamese place near the office for a morning bowl of pho. Then I’m going to stock up on Staffordsh­ire oatcakes to wrap around my bacon. For now, I’m swapping my scrambled eggs for shakshuka, eggs sardou or even a Japanese rolled omelette.

Perhaps you feel the same? If so, check out our cover story for a touch of early morning inspiratio­n.

COVID-19: The ongoing pandemic continues to affect travel. Please note, prices and travel advice are subject to change. Contact your travel provider for the most up-to-date informatio­n. For the latest news on safe travel and border restrictio­ns, visit

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Glen Mutel, editor

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