National Geographic Traveller (UK) - Food


This omelette is all about good ingredient­s — but what those are is up for debate. Words: Peter Sanchez-iglesias



Use the best quality free range eggs you can find — the fresher the better. If you’re making a smaller tortilla, adding an extra yolk for each whole egg you use will give a richer flavour; it won’t work for a bigger tortilla though, as it won’t cook through.


Use Maris Piper or King Edward. Slice thinly and fry gently for texture. As for other fillings, practicall­y anything that goes with chips or eggs will work, except fish. Cheeses and charcuteri­e are great. Pepper is optional, but quality salt is essential.


In Spain, you’ll sometimes find this dish made with them, sometimes without. If using them, large Spanish or Italian white onions are best, sliced finely then fried until golden. Dry on paper and add to the egg mixture to infuse around an hour before cooking.


Using a non-stick pan will make it much easier to turn the tortilla over. Wipe it evenly with a little olive oil before cooking. When you come to turn it, use a plate big enough to cover the pan, with a bit of a lip. Then flip and slip back into the pan.


Start cooking the tortilla on a high heat, before reducing the temperatur­e to cook it slowly and gently. You can turn it more than once during cooking, as long as it gets an equal amount of time on each side. Don’t be tempted to finish it in an oven — this will dry it out.


Serve it at room temperatur­e or cold — the tortilla should have some moisture, but it also needs to be the right balance between runny and raw. Serve with a crisp green or tomato salad, or play with texture with some olives or marinated red peppers.

 ??  ?? Peter Sanchez-iglesias is executive chef at Decimo restaurant, at The Standard hotel, London. decimo. london
Peter Sanchez-iglesias is executive chef at Decimo restaurant, at The Standard hotel, London. decimo. london

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