Motorboat & Yachting



Reports in Bloomberg and the South China Morning Post claim Sunseeker is being sold to US investment fund Lionheart Capital. They cite anonymous sources saying that Dalian Wanda has agreed to sell its 92% stake in Sunseeker to the Florida-based investors, subject to British regulatory approval.

Chinese conglomera­te Dalian Wanda bought the iconic British yacht brand 11 years ago for an estimated £320 million but has reportedly been selling off non-core assets to focus on its main property business.

When contacted by MBY to verify the story, Sunseeker declined to comment but did not actively refute the claims.

Lionheart Capital was founded by CEO Ophir Sternberg and has a diverse but largely Us-based investment portfolio, including a foothold in the marine industry. In 2021 it acquired a stake in US high-performanc­e boatbuilde­r Cigarette Racing.

Cigarette’s current model range spans 41-59ft, but it has recently expressed ambitions to develop much bigger models.

Prior to Dalian Wanda, Sunseeker was owned by Dublin-based FL Capital Partners, which acquired its majority stake when the late founder Robert Braithwait­e sold up in 2010, blaming the banks for unexpected­ly calling in loans at short notice during the last financial crisis.

Sunseeker Internatio­nal employs around 2,200 people in Poole, Dorset, and builds a 17-model product range from 38-120ft. Its turnover for 2024 is forecast to be around £400 million, over 20% up on the previous year, and as of autumn last year it had a forward order book of £730 million.

 ?? ?? BELOW: The Sunseeker yard in Poole employs over 2,200 people
BELOW: The Sunseeker yard in Poole employs over 2,200 people
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