Motorboat & Yachting



Enata Marine has collaborat­ed with yacht designer Timur Bozca to produce this svelte limited-edition version of its all-carbon foiler. Named Vatoz, the Turkish word for stingray, the 32ft model is fitted with twin 370hp diesels for a comfortabl­e cruising speed of 18-35 knots and a top speed of 40 knots. However, its big selling point is its ability to fly several feet above the water on foils.

Unlike other foiling motor boats, such as the Candela C8 and Spirit P35, which use flat, single-wing foils front and back, the Vatoz has twin curved forward foils to generate lift with a more convention­al double-leg foil aft. This also houses the two torpedo-like propulsors.

Take-off happens at around 12 knots with a cruising altitude of 1.3-1.5m. Flight control is maintained using the Dubai-based builder’s proprietar­y Wingman system to deliver a smooth, stable ride, even in choppy conditions.

The plumb bow, flared hull sections and low wraparound screen have a distinctiv­e, sculptural look that sets it apart from the standard foiler.

The cockpit features seating for eight either side of a central walkway and a portside helm position. There’s also a double sunpad aft and a stepped transom for easy access to the water.

Down below, a vee-berth-cum-sofa makes overnighti­ng possible, with hull windows on both sides and a skylight in the foredeck. There’s also a day-head/shower compartmen­t.

As for range, Enata is claiming nearly

200nm at 20 knots or 150nm at 30 knots thanks to the drag reducing foils. It says this cuts fuel consumptio­n by 30-50% compared to a convention­al monohull cruiser of similar dimensions and performanc­e.

Enata Marine plans to build just eight of the limited edition Vatoz models.


 ?? ?? B E L O W : The curved foils fold up alongside the hull when not in use
B E L O W : In foiling mode the hull flies 1.5m above the water
B E L O W : The curved foils fold up alongside the hull when not in use B E L O W : In foiling mode the hull flies 1.5m above the water
 ?? ?? A B O V E : Designer looks and limited supply are part of the appeal
A B O V E : Designer looks and limited supply are part of the appeal

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